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How to get an actor to attack other npcs without alerting them?


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I have tried the ambush ai package with moveto but the actor just stays in sneak mode and never attacks.

I have tried forcesneak but this does not stop the actor from alerting npcs as it attacks them. Also used addspell to make the actor use a stealthboy ability and still getting combat alarms. Stopcombatalarmonactor isn't working either.


My aim is to get the actor to moveto any place I want and immediately attack other npcs with no chance for the npcs to even know what hit them.

Edited by Nexusmodsaccountno2
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Please see 'TIP TCD and Gunfire Detection Events' under the "Music and Sounds" section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article.

Also, see the Custom NPCs section regarding scripting "AI Packages".


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I read over those tutorials: the npcs seem to get into combat as soon as the moveto function has happened, the summoned actor gets into combat mode and the other nps immediately react trying to attack it, this happens before a shot has been fired from my moveto summoned actor so the detection event via the impact sound rather than the firing sound seems irrelevant.


As for the ai packages I have read over them and nothing I have tried so far has resulted in my moveto actor attacking undetected, this could be because I am not using the packages correctly but there comes a point when I figure it best to ask for help from people who are more experienced and may have encountered the same issue. I have tweaked those ai packages and edited scripts and then started up fonv so many times that the intro music is permanently imprinted into my ear holes.

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That sounds like you are moving your Actor inside the enemy AI "aggression radius". As you don't want to be modifying every potential enemy AI, you need to work around that. Have you tried temporarily reducing your NPC's "aggro" (aggression and confidence stats) below the threshold (and possibly setting them to an allied faction you created) before moving them to the location of the enemy, and then restoring their "aggro" and faction when you are ready for them to attack? NPC vs NPC combat is intended to be under control of the game engine and is not really well understood.



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I have tried switching on/off ai, changing factions, changing them to a ghost nothing has worked. The ambush ai package has been the only thing that has come close but only because it cuts out combat as the moveto actor does not engage anything. Then when I checked off the option to ambush a target, object any and then seleceted npc as the object to target the game crashes. From what I can tell the ambush package needs to be used in a specific location to work. I think the moveto function and ambush package do not work together.


Oh well, I thought someone might have the answer, I will try and work around the issue somehow. Thanks for the info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry this is so late , but I haven't been around internet access for awhile.


Am wondering what happened with the "SetGhost" ? ... guessing you could not get them to attack the intended target though.


But what you should be able to do ... is use the "FireWeapon" command.

Which does not technically fire the weapon the npc would be equipped with ... but fires from what ever base ID weapon is used with the command. And then fires in the direction the npc ref would be facing. Hence you would have to get the position and angle of the intended target ref , then place the ghost state npc so the weapon fired would hit them.

Suggest making a custom weapon for this , with a custom projectile (enlarged) so is easier to hit them.

And give the ghost state actor a package flagged with weapon drawn , just for looks.


If there is a problem with the ghost state not being able to use it's orientation axis to fire a projectile, then use a different object ref (shrink it) maybe the zaxeye creature , or turret ,possibly some non actor objects could work just to fire the weapon along its axis , like even a weapon. Then place the ghost state npc in same spot covering it.

Or you possibly might not even need to use the ghost state?


Hope that helps.

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