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Cells not loading properly


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I had the same issue but have seemed to find the cause of the problem.


If you have FNIS PCAE2 installed along with immersive Armors, it causes a compatibility issue. It woudlnt let me fasst travel to a new cell, and the only cells that were accessable, were cells that were preloaded. (in this case HighHrothgar and HighHrothgarCourtyard). I think there is a patch for this on the nexus.


However if you dont use those mods, dont uninstall all your mods, simply see what animation mods are causing conflicts with armor or weapons, as this effects all the npc's in one area. It wouldnt be an issue with SKSE or ENB, mostly an issue with FNIS as the Dragonborn DLC is also a bit of a f*#@ry with it.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Conmachine
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