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Just bought Skyrim :)


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I personally recommend the quest called 'A night to remember' (i'm not sure if there is a level requirement, 14 perhaps) but the guy who starts it can only be found when you reach level 14, and he spawns in tavern of a certain town closest to the place where you levelled up........... Name is Sam Guevenne and he will challenge you to a drinking competition. Just go along with his instructions and you'll find yourself in a crazed quest in no time. Shan't spoil the game for you by saying more ;) ........


Another quest i personally love is the quest called 'promises to keep' where you meet a guy in the BEE AND BARB tavern in Riften Hold. He is called Louis Letrush and talk to him: he wants you to deliver a message to someone. The end of the quest you can choose to get a whole lot of yummy septims OR something more ........you'll have to find out yourself, but the second option ends up with you killling the guy........

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About quests to avoid i think should be the quests with levelled rewards, which are rewards based on your level. Lower levelled characters who do this quest will get little out of it, but higher levelled characters who do this quest will get something like high quality enchanted weapons, high amounts of gold, etc........ Do your research to find out which are levelled quests. Few examples i have for you are:Thieves guild storyline quests, The house of Horrors, etc.etc..........Do these much later to increase the rewards of these such quests by eons and not first IN CASE you find it difficult earning gold in-game in the later stages of your play.
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In my opinion the best mods are those such as graphics mods (FXAA Post process injector), immersion mods (Hypothermia), Animal companion mods (Walrus aka Horker companion), texture mods (Static Mesh improvement mod), house mods (LC-become king of riverhelm), or gameplay mods ((Blackreach railroad, Macho Dragons/Pony Dragons). BEST i think there is is the two mods ( which i use ) ............. (Real rain, WATER---water and terrain enhaancement redux). They're both texture. You can choose what mods you want from the steam workshop/skyrim nexus, of course. Just know how to install them.
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