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Custom Classes pictures

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I think this page (especially the instructions linked at the end) will help you out: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Classes

And if you want to "replace" an existing class' icons, look at where they are inside the Construction Set and replace their files.

Vanilla files are stored away inside a BSA and cannot/should not be replaced. But placing a new file at the same place where the extracted file would be will do the same thing.

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No, the link I gave you, especially around the end, like I said in my last post, explains how class pictures are created, where they are stored, and where else different sized copies must also be stored, everything very valuable information for when you intend to replace an existing class' pictures. I didn't tell you to follow those steps.

My second and third line specifically explained how to go about what you intend to do. But in order for you to make a replacement for an existing class' picture, the page I linked above it contains all the vital information you'll "also" need to have. That's why I gave the link "and" explanations in my post.

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Couldn't you extract the vanilla assets to a folder and figure out details like that from looking at them?


Looks like the tutorial linked at the bottom of that page that Drake posted has some details as well (and some further links at the bottom of it).

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"Couldn't you extract the vanilla assets to a folder and figure out details like that from looking at them?"...


And from where do you want me to extract them? sorry I'm a noob ...


I already tried the small one that the author make to see the details but when I checked them with the right click the height and width is empty...that's why I'm asking because the link didn't mention anything about this...

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I expect they would be in Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa but I haven't looked for them myself. The wiki article that Drake posted shows the folder path to search within the BSA. I've used Oblivion Mod Manager's utility to extract meshes from the vanilla BSAs before, though there are other utilities that are focused on just BSAs that would work too I'm sure.


All I've ever used for the very simple texture work I've done in the past is PaintDotNET. If I'm wanting to see what the starting size of something is I just open the tool for resizing and see what it reports as the current starting size.

Edited by Striker879
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The page and links I linked to were talking about looking at examples for that.

I told you to just open the CS (of course Oblivion.esm has to be checked for anything of it to be there) and take a look at the record of the existing class you want to change the picture for to find out its exact icon/picture path.

Then following this path you can extract the originals from the Textures BSA, like Striker said.


And yes, every graphics editing software which can open/import and/or save/export DDS files, which you'll need to have one anyways, if you want to do what you said, will also have quite simple means to tell you their sizes.

I'm using Paint.NET myself still, but I've also heard of folks having success with Gimp, Photoshop and other ones.

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