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Vortex stays minimized will not maximize


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Hello, I am using the latest version of Vortex, I cannot get it to maximize to the screen. When I start Vortex up it shows up on the tool bar, I can mouse over it and it shows the main screen of Vortex but it will not go full size or any size beyond the tool bar. I would like to make some changes to it. I cannot.


I am using a Windows 10 home edition Pc. I just got this PC for Christmas, It is brand new. I do not think I should be having trouble with any program.


It is an Inspiron 15-3573 Pc

Intel Pentium Silver N5000 CPU@ 1.10GHZ

4GB of Ram (3.81 GB usable)


My email is [email protected]


Thank you for any help you can give me on this





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If you press ALT + Space and utilize the menu that appears, does that help?

That worked, thank you. I still do not understand why it does this? when I first started using Vortex this was not necessary. I would be able to leave vortex on the screen in the background and click on another window IE: Firefox to find more mods and Vortex would still be up on screen just not maximized.

Thank you for your help


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