MyHouseatl Posted January 15, 2019 Share Posted January 15, 2019 I have been moding for years. I know how to mod. I had a nice, if a bit laggy, Oldrim setup. I thought SE would be the answer. However, I am finding that SE is a crash monster. It seems that I can't get a stable load order no matter what I do. And yes, I have a beastly machine. I love SMP. That is a must. Has anyone built a load that is really stable with SMP? Can you post it here? And what you did to make it stable? I have reduced this to a small load in order to figure out what is going on and still can't find the culprit.Load Order: # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espTeenDolls.esmDolls.esmTTR_Skill_Overhaul.esmSexLab.esmSexLabAroused.esmDevious Devices - Assets.esmDevious Devices - Integration.esmApachii_DivineEleganceStore.esmZaZAnimationPack.esmApachiiHair.esmFISS.espHeels Sound.esmSchlongs of Skyrim - Core.esmAHZmoreHUDInventory.eslCBBE.eslhdtHighHeel.esmSkyUI_SE.espRelightingSkyrim_SSE.espCinematicFireFX.espBetterQuestObjectives.espJoy of Perspective.espShadows - Skyrim.espUIExtensions.espAddItemMenuSE.espLPSleep.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espTTR_Skill_Overhaul_Merged.espWeapon.espJoP - Apachii DivineElegance Patch.espYunDao_Hdt_Hair.espXPMSE.espFNIS.espSexLab_DibellaCult.espAMatterOfTime.espBijin AIO.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espArtifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.espRemodeled Armor.espArtifact Disenchanting.espDolls - Children Overhaul.espShadows - Dawnguard.espPAN_NPCs.espFormsEdit.espSkysan_Icicle.espRUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.espiHUD.espKS Hairdo's.espLydia.espRanger Outfit.espSLPleasure.espKomAnimObjects.espSchlongs of Skyrim.espSimple AUA.espOthersDaughter.espDBCO_ALL_IN_ONE.espSexLab_Dialogues.espApachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.espTheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.espLADX_SSE.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espR246 Female Presets.espThe Manipulator.espVisualAnimatedEnchants.espLightOfDawnguard.espArtifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.espFNISspells.espMinou Barbarian Explorer CBBE TBBP.espSpells Emit Light.espTAWoBA - JOP Patch.espTERAArmorsSSE.espTeraArmorsSSE Leveled Lists Rare.espTeraArmorsSSE RARE USSEP Patch.espTERA Weapons.espTruBy9.espHentaiVoidArmor.espWetFunction.espWCCO_All-In-One.espSLALAnimObj.espDSAMG - Greybeard Fix.espDSAMG - Miraak Music Fixes.espDibella Blade, Dovah Luv and 11 JaySuS Swords.espNightingale Dagger.espAnubAnimObj.espSTAC.espPredator Vision.espAHZmoreHUD.espBB Pack by Team TAL.espBlack Rose.espSmoking Candles.espSmoking Torches.espSOS - Smurf Average Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.espSOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.espR18PN - Amy Armor Set.espzzArmormashups.espD-Huntress.espGrimSovereignBooette.espApachii_DES_SMP_Patch.esp[Dint_and_Martin] Senua's Equipment HDT.espKozakowyBlackCorsetDressPlunge.espSkysan_Stalhrim.espAR_Helgi_Follower.espRace Scale Remover.espLuxurious Seduction.espPerfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.espNorthgirl_CBBE.espDragon Lilly.espSkinTight Dragon Wear.espBDSkimpyClothes.espZaitamasAncientShroudedArmor.espSexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters.espDibella Sisters Pan Patch.espSLAnimLoader.espLyPlayerVoice.espSexLab Extra Voices.espCiceroFemaleSE.espTCCO_ALL-IN-ONE_V.2.0.espCBBE - Snap Up Booty Shorts and Top.espCathedral Concept - Lightweight Grass Overhaul.espSimple Dress SMP SSE.espicepenguinworldmapclassic.espABBA-outfit.espBikiniAscendVolume1.espLazyBikiniOutfits.espSOS - Teen Dolls Addon.espDolls - Serena and Valerica.espDolls - ThreeElves.espDollVampireBeast.espSOS - Dolls Addon.espTenebrae.espSkyrimOptimized.esp[NINI]Karlstein.espImperious - Races of Skyrim.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espELE_SSE.espRealisticWaterTwo.espRealisticWaterTwo - Waves.espRealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp Plugins: # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp*TeenDolls.esm*Dolls.esm*TTR_Skill_Overhaul.esm*SexLab.esm*SexLabAroused.esm*Devious Devices - Assets.esm*Devious Devices - Integration.esm*Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm*ZaZAnimationPack.esm*ApachiiHair.esm*FISS.esp*Heels Sound.esm*Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm*AHZmoreHUDInventory.esl*CBBE.esl*hdtHighHeel.esm*SkyUI_SE.esp*RelightingSkyrim_SSE.esp*CinematicFireFX.esp*BetterQuestObjectives.esp*Joy of Perspective.esp*Shadows - Skyrim.esp*UIExtensions.esp*AddItemMenuSE.esp*LPSleep.esp*RaceMenu.esp*RaceMenuPlugin.esp*TTR_Skill_Overhaul_Merged.esp*Weapon.esp*JoP - Apachii DivineElegance Patch.esp*YunDao_Hdt_Hair.esp*XPMSE.esp*FNIS.esp*SexLab_DibellaCult.esp*AMatterOfTime.esp*Bijin AIO.esp*RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp*Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp*Remodeled Armor.esp*Artifact Disenchanting.esp*Dolls - Children Overhaul.esp*Shadows - Dawnguard.esp*PAN_NPCs.esp*FormsEdit.esp*Skysan_Icicle.esp*RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp*iHUD.esp*KS Hairdo's.esp*Lydia.esp*Ranger Outfit.esp*SLPleasure.esp*KomAnimObjects.esp*Schlongs of Skyrim.esp*Simple AUA.esp*OthersDaughter.esp*DBCO_ALL_IN_ONE.esp*SexLab_Dialogues.esp*Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp*TheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.esp*LADX_SSE.esp*The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp*R246 Female Presets.esp*The Manipulator.esp*VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp*LightOfDawnguard.esp*Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp*FNISspells.esp*Minou Barbarian Explorer CBBE TBBP.esp*Spells Emit Light.esp*TAWoBA - JOP Patch.esp*TERAArmorsSSE.esp*TeraArmorsSSE Leveled Lists Rare.esp*TeraArmorsSSE RARE USSEP Patch.esp*TERA Weapons.esp*TruBy9.esp*HentaiVoidArmor.esp*WetFunction.esp*WCCO_All-In-One.esp*SLALAnimObj.esp*DSAMG - Greybeard Fix.esp*DSAMG - Miraak Music Fixes.esp*Dibella Blade, Dovah Luv and 11 JaySuS Swords.esp*Nightingale Dagger.esp*AnubAnimObj.esp*STAC.esp*Predator Vision.esp*AHZmoreHUD.esp*BB Pack by Team TAL.esp*Black Rose.esp*Smoking Candles.esp*Smoking Torches.esp*SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp*SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp*SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp*R18PN - Amy Armor Set.esp*zzArmormashups.esp*D-Huntress.esp*GrimSovereignBooette.esp*Apachii_DES_SMP_Patch.esp*[Dint_and_Martin] Senua's Equipment HDT.esp*KozakowyBlackCorsetDressPlunge.esp*Skysan_Stalhrim.esp*AR_Helgi_Follower.esp*Race Scale Remover.esp*Luxurious Seduction.esp*Perfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.esp*Northgirl_CBBE.esp*Dragon Lilly.esp*SkinTight Dragon Wear.esp*BDSkimpyClothes.esp*ZaitamasAncientShroudedArmor.esp*SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters.esp*Dibella Sisters Pan Patch.esp*SLAnimLoader.esp*LyPlayerVoice.esp*SexLab Extra Voices.esp*CiceroFemaleSE.esp*TCCO_ALL-IN-ONE_V.2.0.esp*CBBE - Snap Up Booty Shorts and Top.esp*Cathedral Concept - Lightweight Grass Overhaul.esp*Simple Dress SMP SSE.esp*icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp*ABBA-outfit.esp*BikiniAscendVolume1.esp*LazyBikiniOutfits.esp*SOS - Teen Dolls Addon.esp*Dolls - Serena and Valerica.esp*Dolls - ThreeElves.esp*DollVampireBeast.esp*SOS - Dolls Addon.esp*Tenebrae.esp*SkyrimOptimized.esp*[NINI]Karlstein.esp*Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp*Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp*ELE_SSE.esp*RealisticWaterTwo.esp*RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp*RealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeknapain Posted January 15, 2019 Share Posted January 15, 2019 (edited) Half your mod list is about sex, schlongs, bikini armor, skimpy clothes, tit physics...Your game is guaranted to be unstable no matter the version when you try to implement sex simulators on an engine that barely handles 15 npcs in one cell..I play a heavily modded SE with 400+ mods for years and I never had a SINGLE crash or freeze appart from a papyrus-frostfall error wich I fixed myself.The 64bit Special Edition is waaay more stable than LE, it's just the mods people use that break it... Edited January 15, 2019 by zeknapain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyHouseatl Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 Ind Half your mod list is about sex, schlongs, bikini armor, skimpy clothes, tit physics...Your game is guaranted to be unstable no matter the version when you try to implement sex simulators on an engine that barely handles 15 npcs in one cell..I play a heavily modded SE with 400+ mods for years and I never had a SINGLE crash or freeze appart from a papyrus-frostfall error wich I fixed myself.The 64bit Special Edition is waaay more stable than LE, it's just the mods people use that break it...While you may have an argument, in LE, I had more Sexlab mods than I have here with more stability. However, bikini armor, skimpy clothes have nothing to do with stability as there are meshes just like regular armor. And yes, I like to look at good looking women while playing. Don't judge! Besides, rarely do I have more than 3 actors (At most) in a sex simulation. I like to think Skyrim would have been a harsh environment. Especially towards women. As is the history of all of mankind. (Of course, as the hero, I get to play as the aggressor and fight back!) As far as physics go. I can't even play without them. And it's not just about tits. Flowing capes, dresses, hair, high heels, moving sheathed shields\swords etc... all add to immersion that makes this dull game.... Well, immersive. Getting back to the stability problems, Most of my problems I believe come from the immersion mods such as Frostfall, Camping and Bathing mods. I actually had to remove Wet and Cold as it really bogs down SE. (When paired with the other mods.) And yes, while it slowed down LE, I could play hours without a CTD. Strange you say you have played for years when SE has only been around for a little over 2 years... So, a bit of an exaggeration!What I asked for, is your load order that is stable. If you are experienced moder, you should be using an organizer that has load orders that you can copy/paste here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jjb54 Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 (edited) Half your mod list is about sex, schlongs, bikini armor, skimpy clothes, tit physics...Your game is guaranted to be unstable no matter the version when you try to implement sex simulators on an engine that barely handles 15 npcs in one cell.. I play a heavily modded SE with 400+ mods for years and I never had a SINGLE crash or freeze appart from a papyrus-frostfall error wich I fixed myself.The 64bit Special Edition is waaay more stable than LE, it's just the mods people use that break it... I have over 256 mods going. Understand, I'm not pro or anti sex mods. Seriously, that is a personal thing that I decided a long time ago, not to get into the emo side of this topic. From just a stable game stand point: I cannot tell you how many times, even with Oldrim, how many times " suddenly " and " strangely " friends games got " better " after the removed the sex mods. Yes, they had to start over, which they did even with the sex mods .... but when they totally removed them, " Wow, Jj, the game works! " I would strongly suggest that you try a NEW game with ZERO sex mods loaded at all. I will easily bet your game will be a whole lot less buggy. IF you must have sex mods, might I suggest Flower Girls. I have seen and read that this mod seems to be a lot less buggy and you only need it, and a skeleton mod and Generate FNIS for Users Skyrim SE. Like the Post that I quoted, I have very little issues with SE at all and it's heavily modded. When I do, I know exactly why, as I have a couple of mods ( non-sex ) that are buggy and are noted to be such. So I understand these two mods will have random HITS of CTD. BTW - I also have Frost Fall - Wet Cold and such with NO issues at all. Edited January 16, 2019 by jjb54 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyHouseatl Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 Half your mod list is about sex, schlongs, bikini armor, skimpy clothes, tit physics...Your game is guaranted to be unstable no matter the version when you try to implement sex simulators on an engine that barely handles 15 npcs in one cell.. I play a heavily modded SE with 400+ mods for years and I never had a SINGLE crash or freeze appart from a papyrus-frostfall error wich I fixed myself.The 64bit Special Edition is waaay more stable than LE, it's just the mods people use that break it... I have over 256 mods going. Understand, I'm not pro or anti sex mods. Seriously, that is a personal thing that I decided a long time ago, not to get into the emo side of this topic. From just a stable game stand point: I cannot tell you how many times, even with Oldrim, how many times " suddenly " and " strangely " friends games got " better " after the removed the sex mods. Yes, they had to start over, which they did even with the sex mods .... but when they totally removed them, " Wow, Jj, the game works! " I would strongly suggest that you try a NEW game with ZERO sex mods loaded at all. I will easily bet your game will be a whole lot less buggy. IF you must have sex mods, might I suggest Flower Girls. I have seen and read that this mod seems to be a lot less buggy and you only need it, and a skeleton mod and Generate FNIS for Users Skyrim SE. Like the Post that I quoted, I have very little issues with SE at all and it's heavily modded. When I do, I know exactly why, as I have a couple of mods ( non-sex ) that are buggy and are noted to be such. So I understand these two mods will have random HITS of CTD. BTW - I also have Frost Fall - Wet Cold and such with NO issues at all. Suggestion taken and will experiment.I installed Performance Monitor just to check things out and here is the results: NAME COUNT VALUE Memory (MB) (Minimum) 0 89 Memory (MB) (Average) 0 1889 Memory (MB) (Maximum) 0 2822 VRAM (MB) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Minimum) 0 560 VRAM (MB) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Average) 0 2161 VRAM (MB) NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Maximum) 0 4889 Total VRAM (MB) (Minimum) 0 11264 Total VRAM (MB) (Average) 0 11264 Total VRAM (MB) (Maximum) 0 11264 Disk IO (MB) (Minimum) 0 0 Disk IO (MB) (Average) 0 15 Disk IO (MB) (Maximum) 0 371 CPU % (Minimum) 0 0 CPU % (Average) 0 9 CPU % (Maximum) 0 32 GPU % NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Minimum) 0 1 GPU % NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Average) 0 40 GPU % NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Maximum) 0 99 GPU Temp NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Minimum) 0 31 GPU Temp NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Average) 0 39 GPU Temp NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Maximum) 0 66 Threads (Minimum) 0 3 Threads (Average) 0 74 Threads (Maximum) 0 117 FPS (Minimum) 0 0 FPS (Average) 0 29 FPS (Maximum) 0 60 I think this is pretty typical? It shows that I did peg out my GPU% a few times but, I remember that happening a lot in LE as well. I'm not sure if that is a determinant for CTD's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MyHouseatl Posted January 16, 2019 Author Share Posted January 16, 2019 Ok, new load order. No loverslab and still constant CTD's. Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmUnofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.espTeenDolls.esmDolls.esmTTR_Skill_Overhaul.esmApachii_DivineEleganceStore.esmApachiiHair.esmFISS.espHeels Sound.esmAHZmoreHUDInventory.eslCBBE.eslhdtHighHeel.esmSkyUI_SE.espRelightingSkyrim_SSE.espCinematicFireFX.espBetterQuestObjectives.espJoy of Perspective.espShadows - Skyrim.espUIExtensions.espAddItemMenuSE.espLPSleep.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espTTR_Skill_Overhaul_Merged.espWeapon.espJoP - Apachii DivineElegance Patch.espYunDao_Hdt_Hair.espXPMSE.espFNIS.espAMatterOfTime.espBijin AIO.espRaceMenuMorphsCBBE.espArtifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.espRemodeled Armor.espArtifact Disenchanting.espDolls - Children Overhaul.espShadows - Dawnguard.espPAN_NPCs.espFormsEdit.espSkysan_Icicle.espRUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.espiHUD.espKS Hairdo's.espLydia.espRanger Outfit.espSimple AUA.espOthersDaughter.espDBCO_ALL_IN_ONE.espApachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.espTheAmazingWorldOfBikiniArmor.espLADX_SSE.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espR246 Female Presets.espThe Manipulator.espVisualAnimatedEnchants.espLightOfDawnguard.espArtifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.espFNISspells.espMinou Barbarian Explorer CBBE TBBP.espSpells Emit Light.espTAWoBA - JOP Patch.espTERAArmorsSSE.espTeraArmorsSSE Leveled Lists Rare.espTeraArmorsSSE RARE USSEP Patch.espTERA Weapons.espTruBy9.espHentaiVoidArmor.espWetFunction.espWCCO_All-In-One.espDSAMG - Greybeard Fix.espDSAMG - Miraak Music Fixes.espDibella Blade, Dovah Luv and 11 JaySuS Swords.espNightingale Dagger.espSTAC.espPredator Vision.espAHZmoreHUD.espBB Pack by Team TAL.espBlack Rose.espSmoking Candles.espSmoking Torches.espR18PN - Amy Armor Set.espzzArmormashups.espD-Huntress.espGrimSovereignBooette.espApachii_DES_SMP_Patch.esp[Dint_and_Martin] Senua's Equipment HDT.espKozakowyBlackCorsetDressPlunge.espSkysan_Stalhrim.espAR_Helgi_Follower.espRace Scale Remover.espLuxurious Seduction.espPerfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.espNorthgirl_CBBE.espDragon Lilly.espSkinTight Dragon Wear.espZaitamasAncientShroudedArmor.espCiceroFemaleSE.espTCCO_ALL-IN-ONE_V.2.0.espCBBE - Snap Up Booty Shorts and Top.espCathedral Concept - Lightweight Grass Overhaul.espSimple Dress SMP SSE.espicepenguinworldmapclassic.espABBA-outfit.espBikiniAscendVolume1.espLazyBikiniOutfits.espDolls - Serena and Valerica.espDolls - ThreeElves.espDollVampireBeast.espTenebrae.espSkyrimOptimized.esp[NINI]Karlstein.espImperious - Races of Skyrim.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.espELE_SSE.espRealisticWaterTwo.espRealisticWaterTwo - Waves.espRealisticWaterTwo - Watercolor.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jjb54 Posted January 16, 2019 Share Posted January 16, 2019 I'm guessing you did start a brand new totally clean game, right? 2nd - Do you realize how many " Doll " mods that you have? 3rd - Race and Race Changing and Multiple " Armor " Mods. ... Imperious - Races of Skyrim... Alternate Start - Live Another Life... CiceroFemaleSE... Perfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment... Luxurious Seduction... Race Scale Remover... WCCO_All-In-One... R246 Female Presets... Lydia ( changes her I have a feeling.)... And A FEW MORE LIKE THESE. ... Then you have Armor Changes..... From Sexy, to High Heels, to Standard Armor to .... o..0 Then you have:* Race Menu - which alters and changes, like more of the above then not. This mod is problematic, when you have too many other " race altering / add-on " mods. Here is the thing: Female Cicero, does it conflict with other mods that you have, that you may not be aware?Do some of your other mods, conflict, in that you change College of Winterhold, that other mods also want to change?. o O ( I wouldn't be surprised at all.) Sir, with all due respect, you have more sexy mods, ( please note there is a difference in sexy -vs- sex ) These NPC have NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO WEAR!?? I have spent more time on this than I should have had to. All you have to do is look at your list and go, what do I REALLY * NEED * -vs- Want? Bottom Line: You have mods that likely create small issues, that when combined, create bigger issues. The Sex Mods were 1/2 the problem, the above is the other 1/2. I guess here is the thing: Start a game, without all the " Doll " and " Sexy " mods. Just stick with the BASICS and slowly add the other ones, until you find out which ones ( yes, there will indeed be more than 1 ) that are causing conflicts in your game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zeknapain Posted January 17, 2019 Share Posted January 17, 2019 (edited) First of all, I'm not exactly judging but rather saying that a game like Skyrim is not MEANT nor MADE to support such drastic changes to it's core elements, problem free..Second, some good advice would be to check for old forms and clean your files (especially the master files) in xEdit.. that's a good place to startthen search for conflicts and patch accordingly in xEdit.. Also as jjb54 wrote try to eliminate the mods responsible by adding them little by little..Last, my mod list wouldn't help here because we have a very different aproach to modding this game.something i *can* tell you though is that I am using wet and cold, frostfall and campfire with no issues.what i *don't* use is mods that have proven to be bug ridden messes time and again but they are so popular that people just keep using them and never realising what is the cause of their crashessome examples are: Immersive citizens, diverse dragons, enhanced blood(the scripted version), immersive patrols, convenient horses, WICO etc. (I know you don't use them just saying)and of course when there are too many face, body and race altering data (wich you do have a lot of) the creation engine goes kaboomboom, so either patch the devil out of them or keep only the best and largest in scope of them..and when I say years,yes I mean those 2 years and I think it's a rather long time with no problems..and before that I had the same stability in LE by following the same golden rule of not pushing a modded game too far from it's core design Edited January 17, 2019 by zeknapain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted62195221User Posted January 19, 2019 Share Posted January 19, 2019 so far i see you load order you use sexlab mods and if am right those mods are mostly for oldrim and dont work very well on SE i use 2 adult mods flower girl and Osex and i never crash and are special made for SE also i run so 200+ mods with very high texture from 4k and 2k and my GPU is also not that great i run a R9 380x nitro 4 gig only and stile its very stable only my FPS is not that great but you can easy play skyrim with so 30 FPS so i do recommen to remove every sexlab mods but if you realy wanna try out sexlab mods read good if it works on SE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3aq Posted January 19, 2019 Share Posted January 19, 2019 i would like to chime in, as I don't have any adult mods per say.. the furthest being body physics and that's bout it.. the only places I experience CTD is in Whiterun, primarily when exiting an entered building. Like exiting the smithy or the inn or the halls of the dead, there's always a 30-40% of me CTD. As far as I can tell the physics mods aren't the cause for my CTD in large holds.. it still eludes me would really like to fix it, but alas it's neigh impossible to find figure out. The best solution is habitually using the quick save prior to exiting the buildings. Besides that though, the game runs smooth, much better than LE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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