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Energy Weapon iron sight glitch

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normally energy weapon will never use iron sight because it doesn't exist but in my game it does.

while right click to zoom it's normal but when i start shooting the gun will bump up and cover my screen and aiming reticle, that render me to unable to zoom and shoot in same time. all i can do is just shoot from the hip which sometime not every accurate.


i believe issue is maybe because i mod my game a lot but most of my mod didn't have anything to do with weapons. only one mod that change player pose and stance but maybe there's another thing........because i mistake overwrite some original FONV pose and animation and replace with FO3.


i still don't know what occur this so i ask you community to help me out.

Edited by FreedomFighterEx
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Try uninstalling animation replacing mods and see if it helps, if it does, then reinstall them again and see if the problem happens again.


hm.....yes yes it does. it's because animation replace mod, thank for pointing me out of trouble.


oh well.........i'm not fan of energy weapons anyway.

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