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A Courier moved into my house and won't leave


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Couriers usually show up, deliver a message and walk away.


However, a courier has showed up at my primary residence - the Underground Bathhouse - and now he won't leave. He strips and hangs out at the pool with the (otherwise all-female) NPCs. Not that I can blame him. But he's drinking my ale and staring creepily at my wife. I want him gone.


As an essential character he can't be killed, and he has no dialog options. Even the bathhouse's permanent residents can be evicted, but not this guy.


How do I get rid of him?


I'm guessing it's because couriers are restricted to the sandbox they spawn in, so after once being instantiated he's unable to leave. At least it wasn't a dragon.

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OR .... and this keeps him alive: Disable is NOT a good idea.


( ~ )

Click on the Currier and get his NPC ID.


Then close the console command window.


Go outside ... reopen console command and his ID should still be there.


Type: moveto player < return >


close console command and he should be there.

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