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Question reguarding multiple Quest Aliases as kill targets


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I am setting up a relatively long quest line and I had a question regarding Aliases as kill targets.

I have an idea about how to execute the quest and here is what I have so far (I don't know if this will work, its just an idea)


My actors are all set up and my thought is to link them all to an X marker (or Trap linker) then put a script on the X marker.

The script will look like this:


Event OnDeath(Actor killer)




yes its the script from the tutorial. I'm not very good at scripting and I figure this might work because the "Actor killer" part would apply to the xmarker which is the linked ref of all the target actors. I know there probably is another way to do this but I am not sure how to go about it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated (and mentioned when i release the mod)

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