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Fo3 File Directory Issue


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Hello all,


I started modding today, after thinking it over for a while. So I just looked at the recent mods, and found a megaton house mod that seemed fine for a test mod. I downloaded the mod, and read the description on how to install. It stated that I should go to my data folder and drop in the files. So I extracted the files into a separate folder, and tried to find my data folder. I searched in the folders "My Games" and the "Games" folder, finding only one related folder titled "Fallout3". However, in that folder, there was only a saves file and some config files (Pic 1).




So, I stupidly created the Data folder there, and dropped the mods in. But when I loaded the launcher, they wouldn't show up as a data file. So, I searched trusty google, and they said that "Every fallout 3 has a file called fallout3.esm, which is where your data folder should be." And I searched, and it wasn't found. So, I tried showing all hidden files and trying again, but that was to no avail. So, I tried a final attempt, which was to use a mod manager. So I used the Fallout Mod Manager, and I couldn't seem to figure it out, and when I tried it still didn't work.


And now I am here, asking for your help. So, help! Please!



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I suggest you look in the Program Files folder for a sub folder that says "Bethesda Softworks". This would apply if you installed your game from the disc and not Steam. If your game is installed in Program Files, uninstall, not delete and reinstall it in another place outside of the Program Files.

Before you start adding mods to the game, you should do more research on adding mods. There are a lot of good articles here on the nexus that can help you.

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