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It doesn't look as "bad" as it could be. For a MMO it's about average.


You can tell however that they just managed to get blocking working serverside.


My concern is really the story aspect, Painting everyone as a special hero just loses its importance when you have a few thousand other "special" heroes running around. It's one of those complaints I've always had with Starwars MMO's... everyone and their dog is a Jedi.

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The other thing I'd say is, is this a Bethesda game? MMOs are very unreliable, Bethesda games are very unreliable. When those two very unreliables collide, I expect it shall be like that certain South Park episode when two storms collided, resulting in an apocalypic disaster on an epic scale.


I'm not gonna play it, I'd much rather see Skyrim get the good DLC it deserves(not bloody twilight: breaking skyrim for the god's bloody sakes) this is just going to be another generic wow-clone fantasy MMO. I'd much rather play Secret World, atleast it's innovative and distinct.

Edited by Vindekarr
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is this a Bethesda game?




Well that's a bloody relief then, isn't it? I was going to say, without modders to make the game playable, how would Bethesda ever get it ready for launch? :tongue:

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The other thing I'd say is, is this a Bethesda game?

Bethsoft is just giving rights to their franchise in exchange for distribution rights. This is why the game mostly uses the established lore instead of adding more to it, and uses different game mechanics (classes). Sort of like what happened with FO:NV, except different situation regarding lore.


On the bright side it means that Bethsoft stands to make a good deal of money from this without really devoting any of their own resources toward the project, giving them a higher budget for future projects. On the dark side, once it launches Bethsoft might decide not to do any more DLC for Skyrim since it could arguably draw profit from the MMO, and may not be inclined to do any substantial work on TESVI until the MMO is phased out.

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Good point, I guess it's like how in the DIRT franchise, when they released Showdown(cheap spinoff) it offended the die-hards, but it brought in a lot of new blood, namely casuals, and did Codemaster's bottom line a world of good simultaneously. Hopefully this turns out similarly-new people and new money are good. But the other possibility is a bunch of ignorant square-eyed MMO fans(stereotype comedy I know, sorry.) suddenly like Elder Scrolls, and start showing up all over the place screaming about how this or that in Skyrim doesn't fit with the (MMO's) lore. We'll probably see a mixture of both. Edited by Vindekarr
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