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If you want to have the stage set when the player kills them all, I actually made a script for that in Skyrim. Attach this to each NPC they need to kill and fill out those properties.

Scriptname _JMCTotalKilledScript extends ObjectReference  

GlobalVariable Property KillCount  Auto  

Int Property Objective  Auto  

Quest Property OwningQuest  Auto  

Int Property stage  Auto  

Int Property MinimumKilled  Auto  

Event OnDeath(Actor Killer)
	Float OldKillCount = KillCount.GetValue()
	Float NewKillCount = OldKillCount + 1
	If NewKillCount == MinimumKilled

Basically, you just need to make a global variable that's set to zero and fill that first property with it. Everything else is much more self-explanitory.

Just give me credit if you upload the mod.

Edited by Roadhouse699
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I would use RefCollectionAlias, the NPCs must have something, let's say a custom faction, that let you use it as condition for your collection, so only those NPC's fill the collection.

Now you have a collection that contains the references of the NPC's that you want, so you can attach a custom script to it in which you can use the OnDeath event, once you receive this event you can use RemoveRef to remove this NPC from the collection.

Just after removing the NPC form the collection you can use GetCount() to get how many references contains the collection, if it returns 0 then change the stage.


Note that Events in RefCollectionAlias are the same ones that Actor and ObjectReference, but in the arguments of these events you must add an extra argument: ObjectReference AkSenderRef, as is explained at the bottom of this page: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RefCollectionAlias_Script.

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I would use RefCollectionAlias, the NPCs must have something, let's say a custom faction, that let you use it as condition for your collection, so only those NPC's fill the collection.

Now you have a collection that contains the references of the NPC's that you want, so you can attach a custom script to it in which you can use the OnDeath event, once you receive this event you can use RemoveRef to remove this NPC from the collection.

Just after removing the NPC form the collection you can use GetCount() to get how many references contains the collection, if it returns 0 then change the stage.


Note that Events in RefCollectionAlias are the same ones that Actor and ObjectReference, but in the arguments of these events you must add an extra argument: ObjectReference AkSenderRef, as is explained at the bottom of this page: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RefCollectionAlias_Script.

I think just using this with a global variable is so much simpler.



Not sure how much of help this would be, i don't really understand the more confusing things of the creation kit like Global Variables. Do you know of a way i can do this without it or a tutorial i can watch to learn how to use Global Variables?

Globals are actually very, very simple. They're literally just single numeric values that the game stores. You can find them in the CK Object Window under Miscellaneous -> Global. Just create a new one like you would with anything in creation kit, give it an appropriate ID, and hit "Okay". They're set to zero by default, so you don't need to change the value.

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