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Putting a hat on a brahmin help.


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I need to put a hat on a brahmin for my mod and I have gotten the beret in the NifSkope with the brahmin and positioned it one the brahmins head. But in the geck it is above it. So this tells me I have to connect it to the brahmins head. But I have no idea how to do such thing. So if you know what I'm supposed to do please tell me. It would help me out a lot.
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You need to rig it to the Brahmin, import the hat in Blender (or 3dmax if your rich) and delete all the skeleton and rigging from it. Then import the Brahmin and position and rig the hat to it. This is what I had to do to put all the hats on my dogs.


If you know nothing of getting armors in game ect, this might help.


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