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Random CTD-Crash Skyrim


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start a new character with NO mods and get to riverwood, then save


enable 5 mods and test the game


keep doing this till you get a crash, one of those 5 mods that just caused the crash is the culprit


finish loading all your mods 5 at a time till you have loaded all of them


that's my best advice

I'm halfway through my testing. Enabling simples mods first and leaving the more script-heavy complex ones to the end.


I think my problem is laying around textures, but that's just a hunch. I've installed every graphics heavy mod (SMIM, Skyrim Flora Overhaul, Real Clouds)... After I installed Noble Skyrim 1K, the game crashed within minutes. I've found out that I don't have the SMIM Patch for Noble. Gonna try that and see if it changes something...


I still don't feel comfortable with testing just with the "player.setav speedmult 1200". Can you suggest me other forms of testing (enemy fight, dungeon, idk).


Btw, thanks @gromulos.

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From here:



I toggle god mode and collision off, then I run the whole map to see if the game is rendered OK without crashing (I wait a bit in some places that take too long to render).


After that, I spawn some dragons and fight some enemies, but hasn't entered any dungeon yet (as dungeons never crashed in my other profile). Walking around cities with JK's Lite use a lot of the GPU, too.

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ok the way you posted that i thought you were playing the game with that speed setting lol


i was going to yell at you for playing at that speed and say "NO WONDER IT"S CRASHING!" lol :P

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Oh god. Finished testing, every mod is working just fine. Still, found out the mod that was causing my almost instantaneous CTD: Scoped Bows. That's why the game crashed when I shot an arrow.


Fought the dragons, shouted at them, everything running fine. Until....... I crashed again. And now I've found another area (close to where I was before) where I'm having constant ctds.


Noticed that now I have LOTS of blue texture glitches. I'm running SkyrimPrefs in high resolution but, aside from some stuttering, I'm having good FPS rates (40-60). Don't know if the problem is with my VGA.

Edited by RaidenHF
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with Bethesda's engine a blue texture glitch is not caused by the engine, any problems would be red or yellow


I would try verifying your Video card files or maybe a lower resolution

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Happy thing: game came back to normal (eventual crashes)

Sad thing: Had to set the graphics to Low


I don't understand, at High my game plays OK, without massive fps drops, but crashing a lot and with lots of blue textures.


Turn to low and it plays fine. Was getting along with high settings.

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some of your mods may be using MANY high rez textures which added up could be more than your card can handle


you only have a 2GB video card, using too many 2K and 4K texture mods can very well cause this

Edited by gromulos
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