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Bed in Bannered Mare is unusable


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Here's a new one: since restarting Skyrim due to CTD making my 160 hour save unplayable (my loss, I guess), I've managed to avoid CTD but found a new, weird problem: the upstairs bed you rent in the Bannered Mare Inn is unusable. Not because its owned or unowned, simply selecting it causes the "Can't do anything" click noise, and nothing happens.


Disable and enabling the bed makes no difference. You can actually disable it and spawn a new bed in the same place and sleep in that just fine, but I would assume this wouldn't be an actual in bed, just an unowned bed you could sleep in.


By itself, this is a small problem. What I'm worried about is if this somehow spreads throughout the game, thereby breaking the whole 'inn' mechanic. I've got no mods that would effect sleeping or beds (anymore), and I didn't have any problem using the bed in past games with the same mods.


Is there anyway to use the console to trigger the bed to work again?

Edited by Synthesis
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It sounds to me like you may have a script from a mod causing issues with your bed. I would try disabling all of the mods that might affect beds (like house mods, maybe follower mods, Whiterun mods, etc) and see if the problem is still present. I'm not sure what the effect of you disabling/enabling might have done, though. You might also try older saves and see if it is present, just in case it is a savegame corruption issue.
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