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objects and worldspace glitching/disappearing


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a long time ago i made a mistake. i used scrapall and scrap everything at kingsport. that resulted in items glitching in and out and even the backgroud of the world (like coup manor and other things on the horizon, disappearing, even the ground glitched when i stood and looked from certain angles. i read something that i had something to do with pre culled objects or so os i installed a mod to fix it, added 2 lines to my FO5 ini (



to make it save and it worked, i even imported a settlement with 0 problems. now after a while i came back and 95 percent of the settlement was gone, the horizon flickering was back and worse than ever. What could cause this and how can i solve it? I noticed that the lines were gone from my .ini and i have a BASE and BAKED ini instead of one now

I can't revert back to an old save because 95 % of my progress would be gone

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i don't use any scrap mods anymore. and i added the lines to fix the glitches (as i read somewhere). Strange thing is that it worked for a while and now, suddenly is back and worse than before. the whole kingsport area glitches in and out every other step i take

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