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Welcome to the Imperial City


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I have envisioned this mod to be on the scale of the Shivering Isles DLC for Oblivion. Meaning, it will take quite a bit of work. I'll need a lot of people to make this, and I'd really like for it to not be completely ignored. Of course, I am unable to do anything myself (Which is why I am requesting it in the first place) aside from generate the initial idea. Once someone starts working on it, its all up to them. I'm just here to lay the framework.


In "Welcome to the Imperial City" the player has a chance to once again return to the capitol of Cyrodil, which has since grown into a vast metropolis. White Gold Tower is now dwarfed by the great stone skyscrapers surrounding it, and the city itself has sprawled far out over the City Isle, and into the neighboring forests. The Mages Guild has expanded into the magnificent Academy of Magic, and the Imperial Prison has developed into a mighty fortress. The application of Dwarven technology has allowed the city's industry to explode, bring about an era of prosperity, despite the lack of an Emporer. Through the implementation of this technology, and to combat the rapidly rising population, Lake Rumare, and the surrounding waters, have been pushed back, allowing the city to expand and be built into the lakebed. However, the prosperity of some means poverty for others, and the gap between the haves, and the have-nots widens with each passing day. While the businessmen and Aristocrats sit in the lap of luxury atop their towering homes, they look down upon the once meager waterfront which has expanded into a vast slum, full of the city's poor and unfavorable types.


The Quest line begins when you encounter an Imperial woman in Whiterun, whom has fled to Skyrim due to the current events that engulf the City. Due to the Imperial Legion being mostly exported to Skyrim to fight in the civil war, the Imperial City was left with insufficient protection from its own people. Crime and corruption run rampant, turning the supposed utopia into a crapsack city. You, having slayed a few dragons in your day, think turning the city around would be child's play: whack some criminals, expose a few corrupt businessmen, fight a troll or two, and be back home before supper.


But when is it ever that easy?


Projected Additions (Subject to Change)

  • Allows travel to the Imperial City, a new world outside of Skyrim complete with new shops, quests, and characters.
  • New weapons and armor straight from the finest smiths in the City. Fine Steel weapons shine in the cyrodyllic sun, and Heavy Imperial Legion Armor allows you to stand up to even the most ferocious of the city's criminals.
  • A new companion to show you around the City and help knock some heads.
  • Two new factions to join, the Enforcers: the Imperial Legion's Elite Police Force, backed by the Thalmor, who protect the public; Or the Underminers, the rebellious gang of bandits who wish to take the city out from under the oppressive boot of the Elves.
  • New Spells for urban combat: Smokescreen covers the area in a thick cloud of smoke to stun opponents and conceal your escape; Force Wall creates a moving wall of magic to push enemies away without hurting them; Fire Bombs can be tossed over walls or into crowds for explosive AOE attacks; Elemental Fists allow you to imbue your hands with the powers of Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Wind for more powerful hand to hand attacks.
  • New monsters and enemies: City Goblins dwell in the sewers and are peaceful, and can even trade with you, but are extremely paranoid and will attack anyone who draws a weapon near them; Enforcer Mechs are the city's huge, silver defenders who smash ne'er do wells with over-sized weapons and blast them with firebolt launchers; Armored Werewolves fight alongside the Underminers with incredible strength and agility.
  • Opportunity to become an Armored Werewolf when you transform with the "Altered Beast" power, or the chance to drive and customize your very own Enforcer Mech.



>You cannot Fast Travel from the Imperial City to Skyrim. There's a Carriage for that. (You can fast travel to the Imperial City Stables, though.)

>Fine Steel would be of virtually the same appearance as the Fine Steel weapons from Oblivion. The Heavy Legion Armor is more bulky than most, but offers defense akin to Steel Plate armor.

>The Enforcers and Underminers are part of the expansion's Main Quest, like the Legion and Stormcloaks from Vanilla Skyrim. You can only choose one.

>City Goblins would be a new race, but are unable to Speak English, and just grunt and gesture. They sell things cheap, but they only ever stock basic, low tier items and weapons.

>The "Altered Beast" power does not replace the "Beast Form" Power, and you can still become a regular Werewolf. However, both powers are tied to the same clock, so you can't change back from a regular werewolf, then immediately transform into an Armored Werewolf. The Armored Werewolf gets a powerful Lunge attack that can knock a target, and anyone near it, off their feet, and is used by attacking while Sprinting.

>Enforcer Mechs are essentially remodeled Steam Centurions with people inside. The one you get can be customized akin to furnishing a house, in that you buy/select the parts you want from a vendor, and they are installed by the next time you see your Mech. Driving said mech is basically like having the player model upscaled, replaced with the Enforcer Model, and generating a normal sized copy of the player model inside it. While yours can be customized, the standard Enforcer model only has one set of weapons.


I think that this is something that would be incredibly awesome to make, and really hope I can get someone to at least tell me what they think of it, instead of letting this fade into oblivion, unnoticed.

Edited by MLeonhardt
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The "Beyond Skyrim" project has a team working on something similar - the mod they're working on is called "Travel to Cyrodiil". They seem to still be accepting applications, so if you're just starting out with this idea and are looking for a group to work with, you might want to consider applying. You can find their website here (they're at the bottom).
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The problem is, that I can't do anything myself, aside from come up with ideas, and coordinate development.

I need other people to do it for me.


I'll need modelers, scripters, writers and texturers.

And maybe voice actors if we really want to go all out.


I don't really know anyone, since I'm new here, so if anyone could give me some references to beg ask to help, I would be much obliged.

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I think this idea is brilliant. I am a huge fan of Oblivion and would love to go back to the Imperial City, explore, and murder some people in the arena. This mod will be a huge undertaking and I wish you luck. If you need help, I'm available. Sadly though, I am very new at modding, but I will do what I can.
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Excelent idea, i really would like to be back on my loved City.Sorry but, like Punisher150,i don´t have ANY experience with modding,mods designing, and this kind of thing,i will try to help but, i never done such thing.Maybe i can help with the Questline storyi f you still need. Edited by Dovahkiin069
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