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strange problem


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i've got a problem with a few of my games like skyrim and arma 2 combined operations. but not with games like anno 2070. so i am desperate.. plzzz help, a few days ago skyrim worked like a charm but now it isn't even playeble.
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I can think of two possible problems:

If you are using an amd card try rolling back your drivers because they have been pretty bad recently. The 12.1 drivers work well for me.

You also may be overheating. Get a program to monitor your temps and make sure they are not going too high.

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I can think of two possible problems:

If you are using an amd card try rolling back your drivers because they have been pretty bad recently. The 12.1 drivers work well for me.

You also may be overheating. Get a program to monitor your temps and make sure they are not going too high.

tnks man, i'll download the 12.1 driver.

PS: what did you mean by temps? FPS or something? becoase the fps is like 50-60

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I am talking about computer temperatures. If you computer is running really hot than you may have heat stuttering and graphical problems. Run a program (I use hwinfo64) while playing a game and see how high your temperatures get. Hopefully the 12.1 drivers get everything working properly but if you notice your system getting too hot you can clean out the fans.
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