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Beast Race Eye Texture on Human Eye Mesh?


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I really wanted to use the Khajiit eyes from a mod on a character I'm creating with the Ohmes-Raht race. I *thought* I could just copy as new any regular human eye head part, and apply the texture set I wanted and that would work, but it doesn't show up in game. The eyes are there in the RaceMenu slider, but they show up as almost like an extra shiny, blackish version of blind eyes. I'm not sure I'm describing that well, but in any case the texture definitely isn't showing. Any suggestions about what (probably obvious) thing I'm missing would be much appreciated.


Update: Just in case anyone as entirely clueless as myself every stumbles upon this, the answer is that it *actually is applying the texture*, the textures that beast race eyes are simply spaced differently and wrap around the mesh a bit differently than human eyes. Turns out the iris *was* on the mesh, it was just hidden up under the eyelid inside her head. The .dds file itself would have to be edited to use it on the human eye mesh.

Edited by aboutthe1910s
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