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'Radioactive' wasteland, yet it's mostly radiation-free.. HMM..


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Your not big on common sense are you?


Okay. So my last response was more insulting than helpful. I'm sorry for that, and I'm going to try a more productive route. See, you seem to have come, as far as I can tell, to the conclusion that I have been telling the young person who posted this thread that they cannot have their unrealistic mod request because it is unrealistic. You even followed me to another thread where I requested something that is purely based on game mechanics to try and tell me that I'm a hypocrite because it's not realistic. As that's not and never has been my position, I feel the need to try once more in good faith to clarify it for you. I don't expect this to accomplish anything, but at this point I have done all I can.


Calling me and the others who have observed how reality works in this context "idiots" is not helping anyone. You're just making everybody else angry at you specifically, for no reason, and in the unlikely scenario any of them actually disagree with you insulting them will make them harder to convince. And so is not understanding our position, which is the crux of the issue. I don't claim to speak for the others, but I am very tired of being attacked relentlessly, even in other threads, by somebody I don't even disagree with, and who just won't for the life of them listen to me when I tell them I do not disagree with them, and I never did. It's almost uniquely frustrating to keep talking past somebody like this, to the point where you want to grab them by their ears, hold their face to yours and scream some sense into them at the top of your lungs so they can't ignore it. Thankfully, we're on the internet, so that's impossible and instead, all I can do is try again to explain my position in a manner I previously reckoned would be insulting your intelligence but recent events have told me is entirely necessary.


I do not speak for the others, but personally I am NOT complaining about the realism of this mod request, or more accurately the complete lack thereof. If I was hung up on such a thing I wouldn't be playing Fallout in the first place, I'd be off playing ARMA and picking apart all the niggling little details it gets wrong. (And it's brought that on itself.) My only reason for telling the OP that what they think is realistic is the opposite of that was to correct an egregious misconception they had about the real world, not to tell them they can't have their mod that fits the fantasy. That is all I was ever here for.


If they still want it despite it not being realistic, then that's not the real reason they wanted it and more power to them. I happen to be of the opinion that's a perfectly fine thing, games don't have to be realistic if they don't want to be and Fallout has made no such claim. It's never even claimed to make sense, or to be internally consistent, or to even have a consistent tone. If they came back right away after my original post to say "I still want this mod, because I happen to like that mechanic, and I'd like to see more of it.", I'd be behind them 100%. That's a fine reason to want something, it's just not the reason they gave. And if they want it instead because they don't like the mechanic, but it fits the fantasy, or the aesthetic they're going for, that's a fine reason too. Or if they just want it so the option will be available for others, that's an even finer reason, a quite noble one in fact.


Nobody has told them they can't have this mod they want. Especially nobody has told them they can't have it because it's unrealistic. Least of all me. So if you could please stop misrepresenting my position, I would appreciate it.

Edited by Seattleite
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You've done nothing but insult everyone who disagrees with you on this point, I have not at any point (that I'm aware of) in this thread insulted you or anyone else besides calling you idiots for trying to use scientific fact with a game like fallout that is written badly (I said as such earlier, but I believe you took as an insult - probably my poor reading and writing comprehension at play I suppose).


I don't think anyone is angry at me, except you.


Yes I trolled your other post, since you felt the need to insult me for some reason on numerous points. If this was a face to face conversation your behavior would have already started a fight, perhaps you should think on that before you start insulting people for being "dumber" than you.

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You've done nothing but insult everyone who disagrees with you on this point, I have not at any point (that I'm aware of) in this thread insulted you or anyone else besides calling you idiots for trying to use scientific fact with a game like fallout that is written badly (I said as such earlier, but I believe you took as an insult - probably my poor reading and writing comprehension at play I suppose).


I don't think anyone is angry at me, except you.


Yes I trolled your other post, since you felt the need to insult me for some reason on numerous points. If this was a face to face conversation your behavior would have already started a fight, perhaps you should think on that before you start insulting people for being "dumber" than you.


You do realise that on the internet, we have a perfect record of what you've said, and we can tell if it was tampered with and when, right? Check the bottom of this post, edited just for you, and you'll see what we'll all be able to see if you choose to go back and tamper with previous posts. There's even a timestamp, so we can tell if an edit was made before anybody else responded or days later when you had to change something in a real hurry because you got called on it. And as such, we can tell when you're an outright liar, like you are right now. You have in fact insulted multiple people so far. In post 8 on page 1, in post 9 on page 2, and right at the top of this page. You can go ahead and claim that the second example wasn't an insult, but we can all read you calling us "idiots" plain as day and if you edit it we'll see your edit with a timestamp. Stop wasting our time by lying in an archived text medium.


I, however, have insulted nobody except for you, only once and after having been insulted and losing what respect for you I had. My only insult directed at you was right here, in post 2 of this very page. The final post of the previous page, too, was borderline but not intended as an insult. Count it or don't, if you want. Outside of that, you can comb back through and stretch all you want but I have never even disagreed directly with you. You, who can't even be bothered to read somebody else correcting them about the position of their "opponent", who is me by the way, and has never even so much as disagreed with you once.


Your admission that "this would have already started a fight" face to face is telling. I don't know where you live, but where I come from you don't just assault people because you don't understand they aren't disagreeing with you, or even if they do genuinely disagree with you, because people are entitled to their opinion. You've not only displayed at this point that you're so far up your own ass you're not willing to even momentarily entertain what people are saying long enough to understand their position and realise it's not actually contrary to yours, you're willing to resort to violence over your extreme arrogance and lack of basic reasoning.


The conclusion is pretty clear. You are so thoroughly convinced of what you think my position is you haven't bothered to read one thing I've written since you made up your mind, shut the door, locked it, broke the key in half and tossed the pieces into a volcano so that door may never be unlocked. I don't know why I bother at this point, really. I've already told you I never disagreed with you time and time again, that I was only correcting a misconception, and that indeed I'm on your side because Fallout is, as I have said many times, a FANTASY. I have repeatedly clarified my position until there's no way you couldn't understand if you were reading what I was writing.


The only possibilities, or at least the only ones I can think of, is that either you aren't reading what I'm writing and just assuming the content of my posts or you're too self-absorbed to consider that somebody who kept talking after you're talking might not have been arguing with you. Either way, it's clear trying again won't make anything better, but I've got nothing better to do, so here I try again.

Edited by Seattleite
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So me telling you to get buy a monkey is an insult, but you telling me I'm stupid isn't? I don't really see anywhere in this thread where I insulted you further or even edited my posts. You are the only one who has been edited posts here, so maybe you should go back and reread this thread where you disagreed with me for some unknown reason and then started this whole argument which was unnecessary.


Tell me exactly where I started attacking you (besides telling you violently to get a monkey, how evil of me), you fired the first salvo kid

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Nope your right I did insult you by calling everyone idiots first, it was not aimed at anyone in particular, but then you targeted me for some reason. So you took it as a personal insult, still never edited my posts so not sure what the disillusion is about.

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Nope your right I did insult you by calling everyone idiots first, it was not aimed at anyone in particular, but then you targeted me for some reason. So you took it as a personal insult, still never edited my posts so not sure what the disillusion is about.


For "some reason"? How about because you started insulting people, that's a pretty good reason. And for the record, still, you completely missed my entire point. Go back and reread by first couple posts. Are you so desperate to argue with strangers on the internet that you're willing to completely flip their entire position just to have something to argue about?


And for the record, edits come with a timestamp. You can tell when something was edited two minutes after posting to fix a spelling error, which, guess what, is all my edits. And while no, you haven't edited your posts yet, you seem like exactly the kind of person who would do exactly that the moment you get called on something, if only to keep this going a little longer to argue about what you did and did not say. This is already a pretty crappy way to spend my time, I'd rather we didn't make this even dumber.

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Everyone in this thread is an idiot except the OP, Oynlen and gob2. Congratulations. Why? Because the OP obviously doesn't care about the realism of the FO4 universe. In fact, in order to even begin measuring anything in the FO4 universe you'd have to first find a bethesda writer who is both competent and consistent, which isn't going to be happening any time soon.


Now, as opposed to all the idiots in here arguing about how powerful radiation would be in a game world that the writers decided to make the radiation itself a magical power/possible sentient god, I actually DID what the op wanted.




It starts once mq102/leaving the vault is done, and adds 1 rad/second when outdoors as an external source (So hazmat/radx makes it a non issue).



If you guys want to argue over 1/2 baked theories on inconsistent lore take it to the game theorists reddit, that's what they do for a living.

Edited by PhanomGames
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