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Reinstalling Skyrim


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So I finally had to reinstall skyrim due to a major game bug involving FOllowers and certain ingame sequences that either failed to commence or took a flippin long time to trigger e.g. he gray Beards Dragonborn reconisation (the part where you stand in the middle of the 4 dudes and they all speak in Dragon lingo and the whole room shakes)

to starting a new game, its all fine until Alduin attacks Helgen but Tulius fails to sau "What in Oblivion is that" part and Alduin does not land on the tower and the exercusioner is just standing there with his axe in his hand down at you.


Ok, this is probably down to some scripts being overritten but does ingame affected by registaries and so on?


I really am wandering in the dark with this one so going out on a limb and reinstalling the game via Disk instead of Steam. Always prefer a hard copy.

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This is a know game bug.


here, scroll down to the bug section.




It says there is a fix, but I have never encountered this particular problem. I know the mod Prostitution really interferes with the openin acts, but usullay its the toon walking off instead of going to the block. try their DX fix and let us know if it works for you.


"These errors may occur even after a game restart, and a possible fix at this point is total reinstallation of Skyrim. Or installing DXSETUP.exe from skyrim\DirectX10"


It says DX 10, and the game is DX 9. so, I am not sure what will happen. Its posted on the internet, so its got to be true :facepalm:

Edited by Brandy_123
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