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Duplicate Conjuration Spells into Thrall/Permanent Spells (for modded conjuration)


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Is it possible to make a mod in which I can turn time limited conjuration spells into thrall variants? Obviously it's not hard to create an additional spell to turn the vanilla conjuration spells into thralls but what I'm hoping for is a mod that can be used with conjuration summons added by other mods to make them thralls. e.g. permanent summons.

At least in my experience conjuration spells added by other mods typically don't have a secondary thrall version for their summons and that is what I'd want to have without the need for compatibility patches.

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I have something like this on my workplan for future updates to my spell pack Synthesis Redux. The premise is to use a spell to store information about an actor, and a secondary aspect of the spell to summon or dismiss it.


I haven't started on it yet but mechanically speaking it's similar to other effects that I've done.

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