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Devour Animals with Cannibal Perk


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Dunno about you guys, but I hate the cannibal perk and how everyone but Strong finds it disgusting or the like. Now I would be all for it if I can do it without the judgment of my companions but nope. SO! I thought why not devour something that ISN'T human or sentient. Like Mirelurks, radstags, deathclaws, radroaches, etc. There are tons of creatures in the wasteland and yet you are only limited to eating people raw without penalty and not having to loot them...

Edited by tigerfrenzy
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  1. a person who eats the flesh of other human beings.

    "cannibal tribes"


    man-eater, people-eater, anthropophagus; More

    • an animal that feeds on flesh of its own species.


      man-eater, people-eater, anthropophagus; More

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Dunno about you guys, but I hate the cannibal perk and how everyone but Strong finds it disgusting or the like. Now I would be all for it if I can do it without the judgment of my companions but nope. SO! I thought why not devour something that ISN'T human or sentient. Like Mirelurks, radstags, deathclaws, radroaches, etc. There are tons of creatures in the wasteland and yet you are only limited to eating people raw without penalty and not having to loot them...



I accept your challenge.

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I mean shoot the main beef if them getting grossed out or sticking their nose up towards me, I found Codsworth, Porter Gage & Strong have no beef whatsoever and Hancock is a mellow dude but still isn't entirely for that thought of it ((least in dialog))

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This is done. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37182/


I added the ability to eat any actor, removed companion penalties when doing so, and added more hp recovered for perk levels higher than 1.


I've never bundled .pex perk fragments in a released mod before, so let me know if there's any issues with companion affinity, but it works on my game.

Edited by PhanomGames
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