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Endorsing without using NMM?


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Long story short I don't use the NMM for multiple reasons. The question is how can I endorse a MOD creator without DLing the files through NMM? Currently I get the message that only users that have DL'd the MOD can endorse which leaves me at the conclusion that it's referencing the NMM Dl log. There are a few MODS that I feel compelled to endorse as they are so impressive and I would really like to give the authors credit. Thanks for the help.
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Endorsing has nothing to do with NMM. It was here long before NMM and has never been touched by the NMM code.


The only thing needed is you be logged in when you download the mod. Then wait the time required (This is to filter out the trolls). Go to the mod and endorse. :thumbsup:

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