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Purity Bug: Quest Complete for Farkas only


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I managed to get the Purity quest (cure Farkas of lycanthrop) completed,but could not get his brother Vilkas to bring it up (and eventually cure myself).I've tried all the reset commands and other tricks (do a sidequest with Vilkas as a follower and visit the Glenmori Coven first,etc) but no results. Is there anything I'm missing or a way to force him to start the quest?
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@yk0520, hi, the logical sequence of the Companions quests can be confusing and broken if

you're not careful about clearing certain locations.

Please note the link below contains walkthroughs and spoilers.



From what i can tell by the description of your current quest status, my guess is you'll need to complete

one more radiant quest that must specifically come from Aela the Huntress, before you can advance to

another primary quest like Blood's Honor.

'Purity' quest you completed is only the first of 2 radiant prerequisite quests needed to continue the

Companions questline.

Suggest being careful not to completely clear the Glenmoril Coven location of Glenmoril Witches; also,

don't clear Silver Hand's Driftshade Refuge even if discovered, and, stay away from activating any

dungeon delving side quests like retrieving the Helm of Winterhold.


fyi, as you're probably already aware, using console commands like 'resetquest' or 'setstage' can potentially

do more harm than good to Skyrim's fragile quest scripting; so, be prepared to load an early savegame

prior to you using those commands if you can't get the Companions questline progressing properly.

just say'n lol..



Edited by xlcr
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So far,the status I have is the companion storyline is done, at least 2 radiant quests for each companion done, all 3 totems found for Aela, 1 dragon seeker done. Frakas has been purified, but unfortunatly the coven has been cleared out. I still have 3 heads waiting. Have to check on Helm of Winterhold. Looks like another infameous Bethesda quest bug.
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@yk0520, sounds like you've got the Companions quests almost finished except for

triggering Vilkas's dialog to initiate another Purity radiant quest.


Try the known fixes described in the 'Bugs' section at the bottom of this page:


Also go thru the fixes/solutions described in the comments here:


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Didn't see that quest listed in the journal. Had to use the console to flag it. Got the quest complted and returned the helm, but still stuck on Vilkas giving the endless radiant jobs (only Farkas is giving Dragon Seeker)

Must be missing something..

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so let me get this straight, when you have to option to go to glenmoril cavern, and the option to kill all the witches, DONT? cause i figured (in an odler save i no longer play, but have another character about to start the companion quests) that if i just killed all the witches and took tehir heads, i could cure the people in the companions.... the quest scripting and whatnot really is somewhat of an issue in skyrim, isnt it?
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Seems that way. Either a bug in the scripting or in the quest item (the heads). It wouldn't be a Bethesda game if it didn't have more bugs than an insect museum.In my case, Vilkas is stuck in an unending loop of offering job quests but not dragon seeker or the option to cure him.
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@yk0520, did you try this fix (this was in one of those links i gave you) to activate Vilkas?

1. Ask Aela to follow you.

2. Have extra (2 or more) Glenmoril Witch heads in your inventory.

3. Be in a different location where Vilkas isn't (try anywhere far away from Whiterun i guess).

4. Console command to move Vilkas to your location:

PRID 0001A695 <enter>

moveto player <enter>

5. Speak to Vilkas, he should ask you to help him cleanse his blood and follow you, replacing Aela.


Also, what 'reset' commands did you use?

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Tried that one and only got more job offers. The reset quest I tried was for CR13 (Purity), also the setstage cr6 200,cr13 15 (supposed to trigger Vilkas' purity quest). Still getting the "I'm looking for Work" option instead of "Is there anything that needs to be done" which flags purity. Even tried the "drop the heads" trick" but still no results. Edited by yk0520
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