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Installing FOOK 2 1.2 Beta


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Thanks for the link! I really appreciate it! But......,


I read three more pages into the forum (until the guy said his problem was solved) and it didn't really help me. I installed FOOK correctly and I have all of the compatibility patches. He sadi something about using EVE, but I dont have that, at least not a seperate EVE mod (it is integrated to FOOK i believe). Is there something I missed?


Edit: Oh, and I don't have apocalypse armory, so the issue cant be there. Any ideas?

Edited by dieyouwill
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i thought the exact same thing, however I downloaded the compatibility patch for the two mods and got the same error. maybe its nothing, i played the game for about 30 minutes earlier with no visible errors, but Ive just started a new game so im not far enough in to really tell. I'll come back when the next problem arises and update you guys. Thanks for all of the help so far!
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Start disabling mods to find out which one is giving you the error.


The the compatibility patches for Project Beauty and FOOK2 are out of date and I am not aware of an up to date set. Make sure that you are using WMKFOOK2 Compatibility Patches by Antistar and not the FOIP patches. The Fellout DLC changes are fully implemented in FOOK2 1.2 Open Beta, however, if you want darker nights load Fellout - Full.esp after the FOOK2 plugins.

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