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Weeping Angels was a creature that appeared in Doctor Who (Sci-fi series on BBC). This monster is basically an angel statue. When you stare at it doesn't move, but when you look away it moves away or disappears. Sort of like an endermen (minecraft), slendermen, or SCP-173. When you look away this creature disappears and goes behind you and snaps your neck or with a touch move you into a different timeline, they did that because they would consume the potential energy the victims would otherwise have led. They're called weeping angels because they would use their hands to cover their face giving a "weeping" appearance, but when they move they grew fangs and claws. Also they're kinda indestructible LOL. First I thought this monster was too hard to have in Skyrim, so I had this idea where there were a full spawn of them in an abandoned crypt/temple (If people wanted they can have them in the game). Also when they attack they can kill the user or teleport them to a different further place (if they do that the weeping angel will have their HP increase). Sorry, if I did not make any sense I suck at english. So If you don't understand me watch these videos. So thankful if you make this please PLEASE LOLOL.





Weeping Angels in Action.



If you want to know more visit this site.

Edited by basedrichard
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I'd love Weeping Angels in Skyrim.



Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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Oh god. These things gave me nightmares when I first saw them on Doctor Who. Come night time, you'd better run, especially if you're using a Darker Nights mod... you'll never see em' coming, huhuhu.
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  • 4 years later...

Someone please make this. D: Or at least help me.


I've been attempting to make something even remotely close to this using an actor that has Meridia's Statue as the armor, but I think it needs scripting to make it work; and I've almost no skill in scripting. (They may be giving enough Weeping Angels vibe in the screenshot below but the way they move is just derpy, unless I make their movement really slow.)




Here are some scripts that might be useful:


Gaining Line of Sight - http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnGainLOS_-_ScriptObject

Losing Line of Sight - http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnLostLOS_-_ScriptObject

Enabling and Disabling AI - http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=EnableAI_-_Actor



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Someone please make this. D: Or at least help me.


I've been attempting to make something even remotely close to this using an actor that has Meridia's Statue as the armor, but I think it needs scripting to make it work; and I've almost no skill in scripting. (They may be giving enough Weeping Angels vibe in the screenshot below but the way they move is just derpy, unless I make their movement really slow.)




Here are some scripts that might be useful:


Gaining Line of Sight - http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnGainLOS_-_ScriptObject

Losing Line of Sight - http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=OnLostLOS_-_ScriptObject

Enabling and Disabling AI - http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=EnableAI_-_Actor




That's genius man! You could be onto something there. Good luck! Unfortunately at this time I'm not of much use.

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