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Master Shots


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I've been practicing distance (and trick) shots with the bow a bit lately since the arrows actually drop over a great enough distance and there's no range finder in game it can be a bit tricky to land them sometimes. Last night I got my best one yet, I had just hopped up on the pavilion in the middle of Riften's market to see the view from there and decided to use Detect Life (technically the Dwemer Scouter mod) to see where everyone in town was. I noticed the guard standing at the entrance to Mistveil Keep was just a little bit too low for his head to extend over the wall. I managed to fire an arrow just barely over the wall that descended enough on the other side to hit him in the head despite neither of us actually being in the others line of sight (I couldn't see him at all with the Scouter turned off).


Anybody else have any stories of crazy shots they managed to make with the bow?

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Can't recall any particulars, though I have landed a few on distant enemies that are almost out of sight (just the tip top of the head showing) or are visible then sit down behind an obstruction. I remember even hitting a hidden moving target, he was quite far away and walking along then went behind a rock and I just kinda guesstimated where he'd be. It's all kind of a blur though, can't remember the exact details. :tongue: Though admittedly I miss those much more often than I hit.


I agree, it's mega-cool when you can do that, and the reason I don't use any "arrows fly fast and straight" type mods - gotta love the arc!

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It's not a master shot, but it qualifies as crazy... a while back, I started experimenting with the archery system in Skyrim; specifically, I was trying to shoot myself. I started by firing arrows way up into the sky, waiting until gravity caught them, and then running underneath them as they fell. However, it was very difficult to judge where they were going to land from that perspective, so I began giving the arrows less force as I fired them. I soon realized that:


A) You can't hurt yourself with your own arrows under any circumstances (which is silly), and


B) If an arrow is fired up into the air, it has to descend point-down. When it isn't given enough force or the right angle to do that naturally, it will defy logic by bouncing off the air and changing direction.


I'm sure glad I didn't take physics at Whiterun University. I would have failed.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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The best moments I've had with a bow are running around in the wilds shooting foxes, bunnies, mudcrabs, etc. I've had a couple times when, without really aiming, and while still moving I've taken out a fox or bunny that's running away. Usually get one of the killcams with those kind of shots as well. Makes me feel like a bad a$$. Sure it's a defenseless little animal but it's still a helluva shot.
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Well my best shot was when I started playing, I was exploring a dungeon and I was shooting a draugh archer and bettween us there was this moving blade traps, when he died and I get closer I noticed that I manage to kill him with two arrows in each of his nostril XDXD I even took a picture here (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/851)
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My best shot was probably when I killed a slaughterfish from far away, I swear I expected the arrow to just disappear, let alone actually hit something but still I made a rough guess of its possible location via where the red dot was on my compass and fired. But it turns out I was just within range, and I managed to hit the slaughterfish. Which as you may know is damn hard to see even if your right there in front of it.


I wish I got a kill cam on that shot. But yep. Arrow went, and as I was turning away the shot registered, heard the arrow make contact, red dot disappeared, and I looted the lil fish.

Skyrim's no combat in water is so retarded x_x

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I turned off the crosshair and HUD, so every kill is a master shot.

I also have 5.1 surround headphones so if I hear something I can tell where it is.

was playing last night and heard a wolf howling, spun round and saw 2 wolflike shadows and quickly loosed an arrow at each. 2 arrows, 2 kills, 2 looted wolves and I felt like I was Robin Hood

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Like mighty zog, i've turned off the crosshair.I was exploring a Bandit Camp(i don't remember the name),then i wonder myself:"I have the surprise advantage, they will never know what hit them :devil: ",then it was just the "one shot, one kill"(i have the perk that makes me shoot faster with the bow),then i get closer to one of the Bandits and my arrow pierced the throat of the Bandit, i looked around and noticed that the rest of the bandits were killed by an arrow in the forehead.Sadly, i didn't take a picture. Edited by Dovahkiin069
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