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OnLocationChangeEvent not working with Player Reference


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I am trying to get a quest to update its stage when the player enters Riverwood. I am doing this through using a script on a player reference alias inside the quest. The script compiles all right, however, the event does not fire when I get to Riverwood. I am starting from Anise's Cabin, so I know I am not in the Riverwood Location already, so I am not sure what I did wrong.


My script is below:


Scriptname SirBeastXM01PlayerAliasScript Extends ReferenceAlias
ReferenceAlias Property Player Auto
LocationAlias Property RiverwoodLoc Auto
Quest Property XM01 Auto
Event OnLocationChange(Location oldLoc, Location newLoc)
If newLoc == RiverwoodLoc.GetLocation()
while Player.GetActorReference().IsSwimming()
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Are you testing on a save that has not had the mod you are working on active? If not, the problem most likely would be that when a quest is started it stores in memory the scripts as they are and uses those rather than any changes you may have made.


I recommend testing on a new game or using the COC console command from the main menu.


Also make sure that you've assigned the correct data to your properties.

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