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NiTriStrip in wrong NiNode


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So like, I loaded a model in blender and deleted part of a model and its armatures, then I imported the other model I wanted to use, and exported.


Opened it in Nifskope and did update tangent spaces & adjust link arrays, but it seems that the new NiTriStrip is in the wrong NiNode, instead of being in the NiNode with everything else, it has its own NiNode and it won't show in-game at all, so I'm assuming it having its own NiNode is the reason why.


Sooo, I tried using the old armatures, tried the armatures the new mesh was supposed to use, tried joining the imported mesh to the armor, and well... That sorta worked, it got both the shapes in the same NiNode, but then all the other armature data was up above it in its own NiNode.


I've done the same thing before without nearly as many problems, and ahem... It's frustrating to say the least. Nothing seems to work. x.X


Gah, it would be so easy if I could just drag the NiTriStrip up to the other NiNode lol.


It takes like 10 mins to export at this point, sooo... If anyone has any suggestions, that'd be great.

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Sounds like a parenting problem (or lack thereof). hehehe...you're such a bad mommy. ;)


Make sure it is parented correctly and that it is attached to the armature with the "Scene Root" as the name.


Related Tutorial: Import / Export Armor with Blender



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