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Is there a way for the CK to do this?

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Me and a few people are working on a pretty big mod, but quest-wise we're still at the drawing board (everything else, like environment is almost finished). I was wondering if there is a way to make a creature in the game only killable by one weapon, or one that would be very effective. For example, how Dragonbane is especially deadly to dragons. However, we were thinking of having a weapon that did a special ammount of damage to a different type of enemy, an undead, like a Draugr overlord (or a new race if we have the time for it).


Any help at all is appreciated :)

Edited by braveheart101
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You should be able to give the 'unkillable' creature such a high resistance to weapons and magic it would be very hard to kill without the special weapon, then add a scripted enchantment to your weapon with an effect that requires your creature as a condition, and whose 'effect' is scripted damage to health (which would over-ride the resistances).
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