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What faction are the settlers in?


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Are they in YOUR (Player) faction, or the Minutemen? I'm talking about settlements that are 'yours', of course (have workshop access). On that note, what faction (if any) are they in before they join you? Or is it always different?


I've always assumed it was your (player) faction, but sometimes when you accidentally shoot one of them in a firefight, they turn on you. How can they turn against a faction they are in? And can they (or anyone, for that matter) be in multiple factions? Or is only 'allied' that makes it seem that way?


For example, when you join the BoS, or the MM, or the institute, etc, I had assumed you were IN that faction, but now I don't think so. Also, which faction are the companions in? Once again, I had assumed yours, but if you attack the place they are from (like DC, in the case of Piper or Nick), they will turn on you.

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Being in a friendly faction does not stop NPC actor aggro on damage. That is controlled by the IgnoreFriendlyHits(TRUE) actor flag. If you want to manage settlers check the SKK Combat Settlers mod.

Crime alarms (theft/murder/lockpick) are only stopped if the player is in that Crime faction, which is different to the relationship faction the player is actually added to e.g. InstituteFaction <> InstituteCrimeFaction.


Edit: generic settlers are in WorkshopCrimeFactionNN which are friendly to the player. As there are no resources owned by those generic workshop factions there are no theft crime alarms, only murder.

Edited by SKK50
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