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3 mod suggestions/request


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3 mods to make life a bit easier

1. Direct fast travel between dlc and commonwealth locations (i.e. Longfellow's Cabin to Sanctuary Hills without going trough Nakano Residence).

My thought is to add a tab for each dlc map to the pipboy map section.

2. Store/take all category to allow faster item transfer to/from containers/companions (should exclude favourite and equipped items).

3. Power armor repair kit. Craftable consumable that will fix power armor while on the road.

Been trying to create one by myself but so far no luck.

Thanks to anyone that will try to create those and may the force be with you

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For the power armor repair kit, maybe you'd have to create a "spell" that restores the power armor parts to xx% (check the 'repair' function in the power armor workbench to see how it's scripted?) then assign an item model to it - similar to how stimpaks and robot repair kits work.

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