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TES Construction kit trouble.


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Ok well i'm new to modding. I've been following the beginner's guide (lesson 3) and it takes you through the process of first creating the exterior of a farm, and then making a copy of an existing interior of a farm, changing the ownership, ect.


My big problem right now is that for some reason, no matter what I do, I can't seem to link the my interior door too the exterior door of my farm. Instead it links to the object directly below my sellected object on the drop down menu that you use to create the link.


so it looks like this.


The exterior name of my farm is: MyFarmEX

The interior name of my farm is MyFarmINT


When i go to sellect MyFarmEX as the linking door, it instead defults to Nagastani (one of its interior iron doors) which is directly below MyFarmINT. I've tried breaking the link between Nagastani and MyFarmINT, but no matter what I do it just defults back.


Is there a simple explanation for this? Or Do i need a patch of some kind?


Thanks heaps for your help.

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If I understand correctly you want the the exterior door to link to a different door inside? If this is the problem then click edit on your exterior door, go to teleport, select your FarmINT as cell and the door you want as reference. This should work. If this is what you've tried doing and it doesn't work then I don't really know and I'd suggest looking over your tutorial to see if you did something wrong.
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Oh man I love you guys! lol.


Actually it turns out the problem was very simple. I didn't put an exterior door on MyFarmEX. I assumed when I sellected the FarmHouse01 object that the door on that was active. I didn't realise that was just there to tell me where to put the door.


But anyway, thanks, problem solved. :woot:

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Oh man I love you guys! lol.


Actually it turns out the problem was very simple. I didn't put an exterior door on MyFarmEX. I assumed when I sellected the FarmHouse01 object that the door on that was active. I didn't realise that was just there to tell me where to put the door.


But anyway, thanks, problem solved. :woot:

Ok :) glad to help with.Yeah got me the first time too.When i was practicing modding for the first time.

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