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Armor Request


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Iv tried and failed several time to make Mitsurugi's (Soul Calibur 3 version) armor. And i was hoping that someone whos good at making armor mods would make one that anybody could download. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope someone considers making this mod. Please no ignorant comments if u think this mod is worthless or stupid then just stop reading and look at something else. And if i spelled anything wrong sorry Spelling,Grammar,and Punctuation were never my strong suit. Again thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope for happy replys.






PS. If you need picters of the armor I can e-mail them to you.

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Ah, Mitsurugi...one of my best characters whom I cannot play because I would destroy the will of anyone wanted to play against me if I used that character. ;)


** narrator voice ** I am LHammonds and I approve of this message.


Let me save you some time by attaching some pictures (FYI - ALWAYS include pics with your request)








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