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Oblivion mods: Enchantment Mastery


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Hey everyone, I an trying to instal enchantment mastery but it is not working


I am working on the ini file but it is not working for me, the ini file reads:

;= Enchantment Mastery Initialization File =
;= http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24915 =
;= Recommended Values Are In Parentheses =
;= Debug =
;= Variables reserved for debug use. =
Set EMDEBUG to 0 ; (0) Enables debug messages.
;= Enabled Features =
;= Select which features you'd like to use here. =
Set EMCE to 1 ; (1) Enables adding constant enchantments to weapons.
Set EMEA to 1 ; (1) Enables enchanting arrows.
Set EMDM to 1 ; (1) Dangerous Magic expansion. Enabling allows you to
; enchant items with as many enchantments as you like
; but if you exceed your mastery level, (See EMME)
; then you run a risk of failure increasing with the
; number of enchantments. You can either fail to
; enchant and loose the Soul Stone, accidentally
; disenchant the item, or even destroy the item!
; This is meant to work alongside the Sorcery's Toll
; mod.
;= Maximum Enchantments =
;= This is the maximum number of enchantments you'll be able to enchant an item =
;= with, at a particular skill level. If Dangerous Magic is enabled, then, this =
;= is the maximum number of enchantments you can safely enchant on an item =
;= without risking anything. =
Set EMME1 to 1 ; (1) Maximum enchantments availiable at novice level.
Set EMME2 to 2 ; (2) Maximum enchantments availiable at apprentice level.
Set EMME3 to 3 ; (3) Maximum enchantments availiable at journeyman level.
Set EMME4 to 5 ; (5) Maximum enchantments availiable at expert level.
Set EMME5 to 7 ; (7) Maximum enchantments availiable at master level.
;= Enchantment Combinations =
;= These control how enchantment are combined when multiple enchantments of the =
;= same type exist on an item. =
Set EMSC to 50.0 ; (50) Percent of the new damage enchantment's charge
; (provided by Soul's level) to be added to the
; charge of the old enchantment when combining
; enchantments.
; EX: At 50, if you enchant an item 7 times with Grand
; Souls, you can achieve up to 12000 charge.
Set EMMM to 100.0 ; (100) Percent of the new enchantment's magnitude
; to be added to the magnitude of the old enchantment
; when combining enchantments.
; EX: 30 Fire Damage Staff enchanted with 20 Fire Damage
; at EMMM = 50 will become a 40 Fire Damage Staff.
;= Arrow Enchanting =
;= These control how dangerous Dangerous Magic really is, when turned on. =
Set EMAM to 2.0 ; (2.0) This is the multiplier for enchanting arrows.
; The number of arrows created will be this number
; times the number of strikes of the created
; enchantment. (Limited of course by the actual
; number of unenchanted arrows you have.)
; NOTE: Arrows created via two different enchantments
; will not stack, even if the effects/names are the
; same.
;= Dangerous Magic =
;= These control how dangerous Dangerous Magic really is, when turned on. =
Set EMCH to 1.5 ; (1.5) This controls how likely you are to fail to
; over-enchant an item. Higher numbers will make
; you fail more often. To get an idea of what each
; number represents, please see the Excel worksheet
; named "Enchantment Mastery Dangerous Magic",
; available on TES Nexus.
Set EMTH1 to 80 ; (80) How unlikely it is (in %), that your item will be
; destroyed, when failing to enchant.
Set EMTH2 to 50 ; (50) How unlikely it is (in %), that your item will be
; disenchanted, when failing to enchant. Must be
; smaller than EMTH1.

I have removed all of the above text and entered


[Enabled Freatures]

[Maximum Enchantments]

but it is not working

is their something I am doing wrong?

thank you

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Don't know then ...


The way I like to confirm that OBSE is working is by making a save and then checking to see if you see two saves each time you save (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see one save each time you save then OBSE isn't working.

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Hmm ... that's an odd one for sure.


So you are saying that when you save using the Esc menu you only get the .ESS save but do not get the .OBSE save?


Something else you could post is your OBSE.log (put it inside spoiler tags ... so ["spoiler"] at the start and then ["/spoiler"] at the end, only don't put the quote marks inside of the square brackets). You should find the OBSE.log in your Oblivion folder.


My thinking here is that you using Let the People Drink as a proof that OBSE is working could have this flaw ... not everything in LtPD requires OBSE, and the part you are seeing works because it doesn't need OBSE and you don't realise the stuff that is missing from it that does require OBSE.


- Edit - I'm not seeing anything in the LtPD mod description or readme that says it requires OBSE ... where did you get that information?

Edited by Striker879
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Yes, that is correct, I'm not sure where I saw that LtpD required the OBSE.


in regards to the functionality of the OBSE

I looked at my files and it looks like I was using the wrong loader.

I switched it to the steam loader( I am using the steam version) and I am now seeing a .ess and a .obse file for each save I make.Thanks a lot for that pointer.


Still no luck with the Enchantment Mastery .ini file though

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Did you use the manual install instructions from the mod description (recommended) or a mod manager?


When I first start to use a mod that has an INI file used to customise it's features I always start off by leaving everything at default. Then I do an extended test, often spread over many days, sometimes using backed up saves from old characters to test how a mod works at different character levels and in different situations. Once I have a good feel for how the mod author intended the mod to be I start tweaking INI parameters, usually only tweaking a single or couple of things at a time as I learn exactly how each affects different aspects of the game.


For example it took me close to two weeks to get Realistic Fatigue, Basic Primary Needs and Basic Physical Activities tweaked to my liking (there is some overlap between how each affects the game) ... and nearly a month to get my current characters load order settled so I could actually start playing.


Now that you know you have OBSE working start with EnchantmentMastery.esp and the default EnchantmentMastery,ini in your game's Data folder, activate EnchantmentMastery.esp with the mod manager or vanilla Data Files and confirm that the default install works.

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The lines in the INI that do not have a semicolon in front are the ones you change. Example ... the default INI has ...


Set EMCE to 1 ; (1) Enables adding constant enchantments to weapons.
Set EMEA to 1 ; (1) Enables enchanting arrows.
Set EMDM to 1 ; (1) Dangerous Magic expansion. Enabling allows you to
;     enchant items with as many enchantments as you like
;     but if you exceed your mastery level, (See EMME)
;     then you run a risk of failure increasing with the
;     number of enchantments. You can either fail to
;     enchant and loose the Soul Stone, accidentally
;     disenchant the item, or even destroy the item!
;     This is meant to work alongside the Sorcery's Toll
;     mod.
If for example you didn't want the Dangerous magic aspect of the mod you would change Set EMDM to 1 to Set EMDM to 0 (that's a zero) giving you ...
Set EMCE to 1 ; (1) Enables adding constant enchantments to weapons.
Set EMEA to 1 ; (1) Enables enchanting arrows.
Set EMDM to 0 ; (1) Dangerous Magic expansion. Enabling allows you to
;     enchant items with as many enchantments as you like
;     but if you exceed your mastery level, (See EMME)
;     then you run a risk of failure increasing with the
;     number of enchantments. You can either fail to
;     enchant and loose the Soul Stone, accidentally
;     disenchant the item, or even destroy the item!
;     This is meant to work alongside the Sorcery's Toll
;     mod.
Now you can enchant weapons and arrows but there is no chance of you losing a weapon/stack of arrows when you try to give too many/too strong enchantments for your mastery level.
Other stuff in the INI works the same ... all of the stuff after a semicolon is just comments explaining what that part does. Some things are just an on/off (1 or 0) others allow you to set a multiplier (e.g. Set EMSC to 50.0).
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