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Spyglass Telescope! Needs to happen!!!


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As the topic implies I think it would be really great if someone made one of these functional in the game. I dont know scripting but it would be awesome even if it was as simple as wielding it and pushing a button to use the bow type zoom. Of course it would be better of someone made a fitting animation and a 2D texture fill the screen just leaving the hole in the middle displayed.


I mean come on. Who doesnt want one of these? http://www.picturemill.com/images/posters/Spyglass_poster.jpg And an immersive way for none archers to zoom wouldnt be bad either.

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Putting a spyglass into the game is a great idea. I have wished to see something in the distance better many times. How about a historically accurate rendition of a 1700s pirate style spyglass?


Historically, the 'spyglass', as used by pirates and nearly everyone else during that era,showed its image upside down, and with a varying amount of aberration leading to various amounts of colored doubled image (chromatic aberration) Smearing image (Spherical aberration) and other types of distortion. On the best and most expensive spyglasses the distortion was only noticeable in certain places on the image - the chromatic doubling only on the edges of the target image. (For an example of chromatic aberration, look at a 3D image without the 3D glasses :wacko: similar but not exact.


Adding a third lens to bring the image right side up was not done often. Not because they didn't know how, but because that third lens degraded the image quite a bit. A sea captain would rather see a relatively clear upside down image than a dim fuzzy right side up one.


Yeah, I worked at a company that made lenses at one time. :tongue:

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Just two crazy little thoughts to improve bows: referring to the WMK mods of FO3, and referencing Dwemer tech in Skyrim, 1- How about a compact, short, lightweight and stubby little aiming optical scope as an bolt-on addon kit for bows and maybe even Dawnguard's crossbows? The purpose is strictly for increased accuracy, and auto-zoom at long range, and nothing else.

2- (sorry if this one is a bit off-topic) How about moderate to expensively-priced composite add-on materials for modding vanilla bows into different types of composite bows: 'steel-composite', 'dragonbone-composite', etc.....using the following: Rare, strong and special types of hardwoods and other materials that are imported only, not native, and special and rare types of horn, bone, and sinews. The purpose is strictly for increased arrow / bolt speed, increased damage, and nothing more.

Regards, AmadanBezerk

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A request similar to this was posted quite some time ago and got a lot of positive feedback. A good idea remains a good idea. :thumbsup:


Imo, it might make a neat little quest too. Maybe while adventuring through a Dwemer ruin, your char find the body of some less fortunate adventurer (maybe some Falmer, or maybe Dwarven Centurian crossbow, arrows revealing his or her sorry fate) trying to track down some old dwemer tech that, at the end of a clue-filled path, ends up being the blueprints (ie crafting recipe) for a Dwarven spyglass.

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