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Performance Boost with the Latest Game Update?


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Am I going crazy or did Beth actually fix some performance issues with the last update? I seem to have gotten about a 5-10% increase in frame rate everywhere in the game with the same mods installed that I've had for weeks now. It's really noticeable in interiors where I struggled with the lighting and fog mesh. But the same lighting and fog meshes run smoother now after I (accidentally) installed the latest update. Has anyone else seen a difference in their game like me? Where could I find out exactly what each update is doing?

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Very good for You that thing is running smoother, that is actually very cool! :D


As to why, who knows, Beth did not do shite. I transplanted my entire install to a new box ( RTX2080Ti, Threadripper 2950X from dual GTX980 in SLI, Intel 5960X), and it changes fcuk all apart from one thing:

Going from 4GB VRAM on the 980 to 11GB VRAM on the 2080TI means that I can load a lot of the mods in the same game that I couldn't before.


Didn't build the new box to play FO4 anyway, so it is just an observation.

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Heyyy DjinnKiller, what's up?!!

It's weird then. What I did is removed my modded textures from the game and then downloaded the vanilla along with the latest update and viola!! My game ran better and I don't have a freakin' clue as to why. I downloaded and installed those modded textures for the purpose of helping my game run a little better in the first place, but I didn't like the way they looked and pulled them out to reinstall vanilla. IDK?? I'm not changing anything now because I need every performance boost I can get without sacrificing too much of the quality. I should know by now that Beth doesn't optimize performance or fix bugs for a game this old. :geek:

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Cheers man, it's been a while.... time flies! :D :D


I have given up a long time ago trying to understand how that FO4-engine works. When I built my new box I deliberately chose parts that makes it possible to monitor pretty much everything from the power connector in the wall to the frames per second.

Regarding FO4 there is no logic. The system can be at practically no load at all, and FO4 still runs like a tired old donkey!


Be happy that You got some more oomph, and sacrifice a Brahmin to the god of gfx-engines (I think his name is Todd, heard a rumour that he did a piss poor job with F76.... :smile: :smile: )

Edited by DjinnKiller
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Nah. That would imply that BGS actually put work into their cash grab. Nothing changes except the newest iteration of the Microtransaction Club.


Textures do have an impact on performance, you know. Maybe it was a 2k or 4k mod, maybe the mod was just not optimized, maybe the ini file got resetted,

but one again - no. BGS is completely done with technical stuff in Fallout 4. The game is over 3 years old now and optimizing would also mean that they would have to playtest the whole ting again.

And that's something they didn't even bother to do in the first place.

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For whatever reason I too feel like there's a performance boost; sprinting and turning felt smoother.. although it would help if we got some idea of what they did with this update (even if it's just CC updates); as all the information I can find is FO76 related and the version number hasn't changed.

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Right-o... so after some MORE digging, apparently this wasn't so much a FO4 update, as it was a Steam update that affected FO4 (and a whole bunch of other games). If the people over at reddit are to believed then this "update" was consolidating things like the .Net and C++ type framework files into something more streamlined.

I'm not exactly sure what the technical stuff was about, as it was a little too far above my pay-grade, but the boffins over there were quite adamant about it and they were backing it up with... um.. science'n'stuff.

So I'm not sure where our perceived performance improvements came from - especially now as I don't seem to be getting them any more - but we have some form of answer to the "what the hell was that update about" side of things.

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