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Dragon Mask Displayer


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Hey guys, so after a while of collecting the unique dragon masks I was wondering if there was a mod out there which added a house if not a feature to a house already in Skyrim that allowed me to kind of display them. If there is, please send me the link for I will much appreciate it. Otherwise, I was wondering if someone could make a mod similar to this but instead of making a whole new player house, to just add in a kind of storage where when I put in the dragon masks they are displayed.


Thanks in advance! :D



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You could check out a Breezehome mod that's out there, authored by Berticus0001 (or 001, I can't remember). I can't recall the name, but it's (justifiably) very popular. It also has a display for the various claws that you end up gathering, which is also a pretty cool feature.


I have a tough time searching on the toy computer I have here at work o/w I'd give a link.


edit: here it is

Edited by kevkiev
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