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It would seem that my FPS is lowering than what I should be getting given my computer specs, mods, comparatively to others. I usually get around 30 when starting up the game but after a few minutes it usually drops down to the 20s and sometimes even lower.


My computer specs:


I7 2630qm

12gb ram

GTX 460M


Game settings on high, unmodified


My mods that may slow FPS:


Better dynamic snow

Deadly spell impacts

enhanced blood textures

enhanced distant terrain

enhanced night sky

get snowy

glowing ore veins

high quality eyes

lush grass

climates of tamriel

real rain

lightning during storms

realistic smoke and embers

skyrim flora overhaul

skyrim 2k textures

skyrim monster mod

static mesh improvement


CBBE body w/ high res texture

Various high quality armor sets


I've tried the low res versions of Skyrim Flora and Skyrim 2k textures as well as not running them at all and they don't seem to make a difference in my FPS.


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by RasAlgethi24
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If it starts up with a good fps and is gradually getting lower while playing I would use a program such as hwinfo64 to monitor your temperatures during a session of gaming. It sounds like it could be heat related.


Once in a while I open up my laptop and remove the fans/clean out behind them. It is remarkable how much dust can gather up in them. With my laptop all three fans were almost blocked when I got around to cleaning it :sweat: . You can also check to make sure your laptop is on a high performance preset and not on 'power saver'.

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Thanks for the advice, and yes its set on high performance. It's a desktop replacement for me so its always plugged in.


Although I've tried throttle stop as it seems like its a common problem with Asus G73S, doesn't seem to work for me though.


My GPU is showing 83 degrees. I don't know much about this stuff but isn't that high?

Edited by RasAlgethi24
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83* is a little high but not unreasonable for laptops under load and shouldn't cause a fps drop. I am not sure what could be doing it. I remember reading about an nvidia driver update which fixed a lot of problems with Skyrim. Are your drivers up to date?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Uh that could be several problems. Try using BOSS to fix the load order and try using a performance booster. BOSS reorganizes load order to the optimal order. A performance booster clears the buffers every few minutes so that it can store more frames.






Links for BOSS and Skyrim Performance and Crash Prevention.

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Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog. Pay attention to the first part - not so much the Skyrim part. :thumbsup:



If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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