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it's easy to add those changes.... I don't see what limitation there is in having some NPCs react more-so than they already do - other than that there was only so much time and so many features, and it was considered good enough where it was, so they didn't do it.
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And so was mine, so in that way, no they are not valid.

I was trying to point out that the OP at least elaborated on his points. He may be wrong, but he's doing so in a constructive manner, contributing to the discussion.


Most of his complains sound like someone new to the series that doesnt understand this has to run on hardware from 2005, which was even outdated then. This isn't some linear, scripted corridor game, it's a huge complex sandbox RPG.

The OP said the game is broken, he thinks certain features should've been in there, you're claiming that this game's heavily outdated hardware makes this hard or impossible. His opinion and that claim support each other.

I've been with the series since Morrowind and don't need all the gimmicks that the OP seems to want, but that's because I care more about the story and atmosphere. If I cared more about realistic environmental behavior and reactive combat then I would've had the same complaints.

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are valid point


the rest really isn't worth complaining about IMO


(that and the way OP worded it is very.. what's the word.. Dramatic? Exaggerated? So it kind of comes off as whiney or upset, so I also understand where some of the replies are comming from)


it's also untrue that hardware is holding Skyrim back from everything the OP mentioned, some of them though maybe (I think flammable bushes would hurt FPS in the long run, though you can technically fake burning a bush ingame already )


(sorry if I missed a few points, on mobile so the screen isn't very convenient)

Edited by Seviraph
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To tell you the truth, all of the points are valid but so far there are no RPG's that actually have all these features. The actions and reactions are so complex that you would have to be human to replicate the experience. Beth only has so many people to create enough quests that will last for more than 100 in-game days, which would equate to many hours of gaming. The other problem is that Beth targeted more casuals to buy their game, so they simplified it.
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Not really, only 3 and 4.


1)You bought an ES for the combat? Er, buy an action game. And that's with the series going more towards the action genre.


2)Yes, the world does react. But not every variable is going to be commented on. To think you can have a huge sandbox RPG with all of the interactions of a scripted linear world is delusional.


3)Yes, dumbing down and streamlining is terrible


4)Yes guilds are too short in Sky, namely the College.


5)Again, wanting too much from a huge sandbox RPG.


6)You want destructible bushes? I'm sure you want more than that. Destructible environments in ES=not happening anytime soon.


7)There are lots of puzzles in Sky, knowing the Ancient Nord lore would mean you know why the pillars are so widespread.


8)Pursuing past cells would screw up the Hold wanted system.





There are lots of valid complaint about Sky. Most of these are not those.


None of these complaints or wants break the game either. The game is still playable.





The OP said the game is broken, he thinks certain features should've been in there, you're claiming that this game's heavily outdated hardware makes this hard or impossible. His opinion and that claim support each other.

I've been with the series since Morrowind and don't need all the gimmicks that the OP seems to want, but that's because I care more about the story and atmosphere. If I cared more about realistic environmental behavior and reactive combat then I would've had the same complaints.

OP apparently doesnt know what the word broken means. Outdated hardware has nothing to do with the game being broken, so no they dont support each other at all. Even with new tech your not going to have what TC wants.

Edited by Enatiomorph
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Okay, in defense of OP -

MODS SHOULD NOT EVER BE THE ANSWER. Not for most of this stuff, not for all this great AI that Todd Howard HIMSELF defended, staunchly.


In offense to OP -

Archery slowing down time, it's not like that. It's like if your reflexes got better, then it would appear that everything (including you) was going slower. That one was actually nice.


Most of his complains sound like someone new to the series that doesnt understand this has to run on hardware from 2005, which was even outdated then. This isn't some linear, scripted corridor game, it's a huge complex sandbox RPG.


This doesn't excuse many of the points he brought up. Not to mention that for all the promises Howard himself expressed, such as supporting/damning of the economy, simply don't exist.

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This doesn't excuse many of the points he brought up. Not to mention that for all the promises Howard himself expressed, such as supporting/damning of the economy, simply don't exist.

Actually it does. Name another game out there that delivers what ES does and what TC wants. There are none. And there wont be any games like that for a long time. Point is, his wants do not equate to a broken game. By that logic any game that didnt have X in it is broken. And when does it stop? Until everything interacts with everything in a huge sandbox? And you think that games coming any time soon? Yeah right. 90% or more of the industry is content with giving several hours worth of game play and charging full price for it, much less what Bethesda does.

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To the OP; In a general sense I agree with you. But only because I don't think there is a 'perfect' game anywhere out there. I also agree with the posts that state one should not have to 'fix' the game.




But I see it from a very different perspective. One where the game is a canvas. The only way to create a perfect game is to create one that caters to my very specific needs/desires. Unless I design and create it myself that isn't likely to happen. Which brings me to the very reason I am here on the NEXUS.




With the game that Bethesda created and the Mods created by the authors here on the NEXUS I can in a very large way shape and adjust the game to more of how I think it should be. And Bethesda provides the creation kit free of charge! I think we all have to agree that they actually expect you to modify the game to your personal needs/desires.



Perfection is a carrot stick game anyway. You could spend a liftime trying to straighten every picture in the world or you could step back and just enjoy the picture.

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OP Here,


My point with this whole thing is the following. I'm gonna use some random AAA historic titles, so ''Zelda, Pacman are not sandboxes herpaderp''... I'm talking about GAMES that work, make sense with their mechanics. NOT just sandboxes.


Pacman: Use key arrows to eat the pills, scape from the ghosts. Mechanics performance test: Appropiate.


Zelda 64: Run, sword, shield, use gadgets to make it through dungeons. NPCs respond at you pressing A. You know what you get. Mechanics performance test: Appropiate.


GTA San Andreas: Kill all the things, people respond when shot/bumped into. Gives what expected. Mechanics performance test: Appropiate.


Now I'm perfectly aware about these games not being 1/10 as complex as Skyrim. But the point here is... when you build a house, a shitty shack, you give it it's customary frail, moth-eaten beams. When you build a regular house, you give it it's customary standard, material-concurring beams. Now when you have some hugearse, celebrity, god sent architect, engineer building this state of the art, architecture magazine house... man, you don't give it beams that are sub par.


And this is the case with Skyrim: a game that's regarded as a potential 'alternative reality simulator'. A game that's huge, and gets into a thousand different aspects... but dumbs down all of them. A huge potential but ultimately impeded, repeatedly broken by it's deeply-rooted glitches.


It's like ''Oh my God, look at this map, it's AWESOME! Can go ANYWHERE! Oh boy this bandit trying to KILL me! Take this!! Oh wait what, health bar, gotta give him like 20 sword blows to take him down, won't react to impacts until basically dead... but man this game looked so realistic at first sight. not that great, but well let's keep going! Look out, an APPLE! I can pick it up! Wow it seems it has propierties! God this is awesome! And here's some Frostbite Spider Venom! Let's mix them, what would happen! Gosh let's see! Hum cannot mix them up without the Alchemy site... well dunno, whatever, let's keep going! Oh look at this, a BADASS fire spell. SO awesome. TAKE THIS, necromancer!!! MWAAHAH-wait, why u not respond to +400º fire impact? Why aren't bushes burnt? #whatsgoingonhere? Shissh, whatever, let's keep going? OMG A DRAGON!!! IT'S GONNA KILL ME!!! LOOK OUT FARMER!!! wait farmer, why you keep farming dude, there's a freaking dragon just 10 feet awa- WAIT NONONO RANDOM PEASANT NOT SINGLEHANDED!!! OMG SH- gotta do something... well let's fight!!! I'll stay away from his mouth so he wont bite my head off-- wait WHAT, dragon just got the bite-kill deadmove in, but I WAS FREAKING BEHIND HIM!!! The game just teleported me or what? Man this is getting annoying, whatever... Oh look, some Imperials taking an stormcloak prisoner somewhere... where they taking him? Let's follow... wait what, they don't stop anywhere, what's this about. Guess they just place them there to make me think things happening, just like with the bandit/pursuer mini-quest.


And it goes on... forever and ever. With every aspect that's not plain going around with a bow killing goats.

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