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annoying texture bug advise.Please read.


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Hoping this is the best place to post its concerning skyrim sse

Can somebody please help me with this very annoying texture bug with cbbe feet.

I somehow have been permantly equipped with Hfeet from halo(halos standalone equipple feet|) its old and the textures are very rough.

I use a ccbe custom body and cbbe feet and the bopdyslide builds will simply not overwrite the Permantly stuck on HFeet mod.I have tried new game, previous saves, new race,cbbe multiple builds and race menu tweeks,along with overlays!

I have searched the file system over and over there are no Hfeet files reamining in any form

Hfeet was uninstalled obviously also first!

I belive the feet are for a unp body...I desperatly need help to get my cbbe feet back, ive tried numerous cbbe variations, and new feet meshes but still F**k All., Im really stuck.Please help


ill add a couple screenshots in a few mins

Im running skrim SSE



Edited by ZMD78
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your best bet is posting this in https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/4050-skyrim-special-edition-technical-support/


as I use mo2 my advise may or may not be helpful to you, but here goes:


check your overwrite files, archive it, then chuck it out. go into all your body textures (cbbe, unp, etc) archive it, and chuck it out. rerun the game, check if its still showing, if it is then one of your mods are installing those body textures over, go into the right panel column and click the containing textures see if you can locate the culprit by disabling and rerunning skyrim. once you've located the mod that's installing it, archive it (optional but recommended as it may be needed for another mod) then delete it, congratulations you've resolved your issue.


if all else fails, then hope the next poster haves the answer, gl.

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