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Atronach Horse, Bears, Wolves and Caber Cats


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So the rich kids who play The Elder Scrolls Online have those dope ass Flame Atronach Horses or whatever. How can this modding community be 8 years old without having that?


We need some good modder to make us some new Atronach Spell that gives Atronach Variations like Flame Atronach Horse that can be ridden.


The ideas are limitless and we can have a Master Class Spell that can summon a Flame Atronach Dragon or Frost Atronach Mammoth or Storm Atronach... don't know you think of it yourselves... But WE NEED THAT! I am sick of being a necromancer on every gameplay and want to be an Atromancer for once.


God save Nexus Mods! God save the modders! Free Forever Brothers!... and Sisters.

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