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Voice Mods?


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So I haven't really seen too many of these - mods that change base voices. One that I use is for Tine DeLuca.


The thing is, these are only 'necessary' when a modder plans to add stuff to a vanilla NPC, and normally they'll only do so if its a 'lesser' NPC (like the aforementioned Tina DeLuca). However, i see quite few mods that will change the sex of an NPC... but not the voice. I am very surprised that there aren't a lot more mods that change the voice files for NPCs.


Another big problem is that mods like Unique NPCs and Orphans-otC add child-traders, but there is no 'lines' for children trading (well, there is - that one little girl with the robot, but thus far modders haven't thought to use those files). Those mods use ADULT voices for the kids, and its really OFF. Throws the whole immersion out the window (newer versions of said mods just leave the voices out altogether, which isn't really better, IMO). So no-one in the entire modding community knows any kids that are willing to 'be in a video game'? Just take the standard script all settlers have and re-do it with a kid reading the lines. How hard can it be? (I will probably take a crack at this myself this summer) So instead of "I saw a deathclaw once", we can hear them complain about how much their feet and back hurts. Hmmmm... maybe not really an improvement. LOL (I'm thinking some old lines from the adult scripts, mixed with some new ones that are kid-specific). in fact, ideally, I'd like to see at least two of each child-type; 'nice' and 'jerky' versions of girl, boy, ghoul boy, and ghoul girl (which isn't even in the vanilla game). For example, the 'jerky' version of the child-trader could say, "and don't even think of ripping me off 'cause I'm a kid... there's a sniper in that tree over there with a bead on your head if you get any funny ideas". That sort of thing. Or a cute little girl (looking all sweet and innocent) who says something like, "You aren't gonna steal from me, are ya' mister?", and then her expression changes to something very dark and is followed up by, "because I can show you the necklace made of teeth from the last twenty people who tried that". Actually, one set of files for each kid would work, and then their nice/jerky dialogue would depend on the PC's dialogue choices.


Moving on from sex-swaps and children, there are other reasons besides just adding more quests/whatever to an existing NPC. Mama Murphy is another - several mods will make her younger, but you still get that crotchity old voice. I personally wouldn't change her, but I am surprised no-one's done a younger voice-over for her. And the Longs - who among us aren't sick to death of those two? A less miserable, whiny ***** Jun, and a less douchy Marcie would be nice. I realize that there are mods out there to just shut them up, but once again, not very immersive. I use the extra NPCs mod from TotC and it adds in 50 new NPCs with full dialogue, most of which I can recruit for my settlements. Its like a godsend having them - FINALLY, I get settlers who say other things besides complaining all the time (So the farm's not much? Why don't you go back to living under a rock then, you ungrateful wretch?).


I KNOW Graygarden is run by robots. I HAVE been to that settlement run by ghouls. If you don't like Goodneighbor, just keep it to yourself. How about some new voice-acting for fallout, folks?

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