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Unlock Shout lore friendly


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Hello, I was attempting to create a new shout that will unlock doors/chests lore friendly (novice,adept, etc etc) failed hard not even sure if its possible to do it lore friendly.

I don't really enjoy unlocking things with a lockpick when I'm a pure mage, those unlock spells do work but they tend to use up one of my hands.


In summery I was wondering if someone can make a hands-free lore friendly shout if possible.


If its not possible let me know so I can forget I made this thread.


Thank you, Ian

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It could be possible. What I'd do is either make is a perk with levels(Level 1 gives the shout ability to open the next level of locks) or a script could be made to remove the shout and add another one with exactly th same name(so the player does not know the change) and the new shout opens the next level of lock.

I was working on something similar but scrapped it before it was completed. I could experiment with it if you want or just show you what I would have done.

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This is actually a great idea. I'm good at picking so once I have a few picks in my inventory no lock is a problem, but some folks have trouble with it.


How about a "knock" spell for casters (kudos to all who get the reference)?

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There is a slight problem. The effect of the spell is like the console command 'open'. The shout will not be able to tell the difference to an easy, hard or even 'requires key' lock. I can make the shout but I think it will be more of a god spell (gives more power than any normal item/spell) than lore friendly.
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