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Unlock Shout lore friendly


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Creator66, why can't you just set it up like

Set reftrarget to player.getactivatetarget;forgot the command for target

If reftrarget == door



Sorry if it's a dumb question, been awhile since I modded and only modded new Vegas.

Also instead of adding a new word, why not add the effect to an existing word? Would actually make unrelenting force realistic, like the force of the shout knocked open doors.

Edited by senterpat
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I'm actually pretty new to the creation kit(started a few months ago in march) but i managed to do something similar in another piece of simple code I wrote:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor target,Actor caster)




This is what I wanted the open door code to do


Event OnEffectEnd(Actor target)



Instead of (Actor target) I need to find out what a door is classified as(it's obviously not an actor). I'll try a few more things.

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