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Npc / Follower bound spell how do you do that ?


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hughh, i kept thinking about duplicating the bound sword and giving it higher damage. I'm glad you have it working to some extent. I've been testing other things though i have been nudging, trying to figure out why my follower only used bound sword sometimes. I haven't had much success. Once i get done with a few other projects i'll probably came back to this.


2 quick things.


1. give the duration of the sword more/unlimited time


2. accomplished mod arthur Qaxe mentioned the blueprint to figuring it out in link left by "xvdoc"(thanks human imposter) on page 1 in this forum, it's the same blueprint i used to figure out what caused invisibly runes, You gotta go into ck and see how Bethesda did things. Right click anything in object window in CK and in pop up menu click "user info"

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