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Wish list for Morrowind


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What changes and/or improvements would you most like to see implemented in the basic Morrowind engine? Some nice person may even write a mod along those lines…


I have a major and a minor item. The major item is a consultable database of placenames. I like exploring, and come across many smaller locations which don’t figure on the general map, and which I may need to visit in future quests – if I can remember where they are. It would be nice if every location was included on a list, and if clicking on a name called up a static copy of the local map on which it appears. A field for comments would be useful, too.


Minor item: lose the horribly smarmy dialogue with which NPCs greet higher-level characters.

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This is probably the 5th thread about this on the forums so don't be too suprised if it gets locked for whatever reason.


Anyway, I think along the NPC lines needs to be some sort of worldly effect on the game. Such as if you kill an Imperial Guard in Pelagaid you get flack for it in Fort Moonmoth etc. etc. There are already some of those elements in the game but they don't effect an NPC's disposition towards you.

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I would like to see the fighting engine redone. This would actually be something that was possible, hopefully in the next Elder Scrolls it will be. The animations now are simply horrible.


What would be cool... if they fought Soul Calibur-style. ;)

If they used some of those animations. It would really bring fighting to life (since now you would actually need a strategy instead of "hit-run-hit").


This would be impossible in Morrowind though... yep.

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first thing which wouldn't be well maybe it would be possible but highly unlikely I think every morrowind player would agree. Multiplayer. Need I say more?


but on a smaller note it would be nice if people in the game weren't restricted to one path/position make it so people sleep at night and have jobs and stuff this still is kind of a large task and I don't ask anyone to do it but it would be really cool.


ok let's get realistic if I could change something it would definately be putting limits on the playable characters i.e. make it so orcs can only get to do minor spells if that much. and make it so high elves can't get to 100 for strength because they really aren't as physical as the orc. also give bonuses to different species orcs should be able to be stronger than the rest of the ppl.

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What would it be great, if the animals were hunting eachother down. That should be great to see, and second: less cliff racers, I know there's a mod, but it could be in the original game.


I agree with the map-marking and the list of places. it would be much easier, and it would keep up the game- speed (for those who want to).

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