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Find My Power Armor!


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During a recent attack on Sanctuary, one of my settlers got into a set of X-01 Power Armor I had stored there.


Getting her out of the Power Armor wasn't too hard, a simple "wait until 1am so she gets out of it to go sleep" worked. Unfortunately, now I don't know where she left it.


Is there any mod that might help me locate a Power Armor frame within my settlements' boundaries? That particular suit of X-01 was the one where I'd upgraded all sections of it to their maximum variants, and even painted it just how I wanted it.

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It's probably too late, but if you haven't worn a different suit of power armor, you may be able to find the power armor icon on your pip boy map.

I highly recomend, Take Your Cores, by darkconsole https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14773 , this removes the power core when you exit your suit, meaning the suit will stay where you leave it. There is also Anti Power Armor Gun, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14623 Worth reading about. As far as finding it, you probably need to find a save before they wear it, follow to see where they leave it. Save then take the power core, then go back to your lastest save, and go get your suit back. complicated but might not break your game. If it doesn't work, you have the save from before you steal your own core.


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If you are on PC, you can use the CC command setcommandstate 1 to order someone out of power armor outside of a settlement. Actually, MY BAD - i think that only works to order them INTO power armor (there is no dialogue - just 'point & click').


You'd need to use callfunction "actor.switchtopowerarmor" instead (everything in italics). That should work anywhere, if I'm not mistaken.


I lost my very first suit of power armor doing the Finch Farm quest - that lil' bastard I just saved got into my armor when a bloatfly showed up, and nothing i did would remove him (I was on Xbox back then). I came back later, and he was out of it, but I never found it. I should have just killed him in the Ironworks.

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