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GECK won't save

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Basically I am a complete noob with the GECK and am relatively new to modding but for some reason I cannot save. I am going through the geck vault 74 tutorial but cause it is for fallout 3 I switched it so that I was making vault 108 out of vault 74 files (In the tutorial it is the other way round). Then I go to click the save button and it seems to have done it but then when I try to exit it prompts me to save which I do but then it doesn't exit and if I tell it to it prompts me again. The only two files I have checked in the data bit is Falloutnv and vault 108.esp and the vault 108 is set to active file and I have experimented with setting it as the plugin or overwriting it with the new data but nothing works every time I load the geck up again none of what I have done is there. Any suggestions would be great.
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